Chapter 3 Just One Cupcake

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Chapter 3 Just One Cupcake 

     Rose and I baked cupcakes together the next day. We planned to go to the nursing home to pass them out. It was something we did every Saturday since we moved here. I needed to show Rose that just becuase Ethan was in our life now, that our schedule wouldn't change too much. 

     I frosted the cupcakes while Rosie licked the spoon I used to stir it. She was happily kicking her feet and sucking the spoon when the doorbell rang. She let out a delighted squeal while I picked her up to answer it. 

"Hi." An older looking woman was standing on my porch. I assumed she was in her fifties.

"Hi, what can I do for you?" I asked this politely to set a good example for my daughter.

"Are you Lillian?" The woman smiled and wrung her hands in nerves.

"Yes." The woman's eyes darted to Rose.

"Is this her?" She got a weird look in her eyes. Almost a wanton need.

"Who are you?" My defensiveness kicked in and I took two large steps into my house.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I'm Ethan's mother, Sue." When I told Ethan about Rose, I didn't expect his family would come knocking on my door asking to see her. 

"Can I see your license?" She had a confused look before nodding her head and pulling out a furry white wallet. She showed me her identification. Sure enough, Sue Flemming was fifty-three, five foor and five inches, and identical to the woman standing in front of me.

"Please, come in." I moved to the side and allowed her entrance cautiously. She stepped inside looking around judgementally.

"How long had you lived here?" She followed me into the kitchen where I put Rose back into her high chair. She happily went back to licking her frosting spoon. 

"About six months." I said this and watched Sue stare at my daughter. 

"Her name is Rose. She's almost two years old." Sue looked up at me in surprise. I could seeher wheels turning in her head. 

"Ethan was already a lawyer two years ago." I nodded my head. 

"Except you forgot to count back eight months. She was early. Ethan and I met when I worked as a restuarant. It helped that we had a psych class together." Sue nodded her head in understanding. 

"Rosie, say hi to-" I stopped, unsure of what to call her. "We call my parents Poppy and NeeNee. What would you like her to call you?" Sue thought for a moment. 

"Grandma works fine." 

"Alright, Rosie, say hi to Grandma." Rose looked at me, then to Sue. 

"Hi Gama." She said this with broken words and completely pronouncing Grandma wrong. 

"That was very good Rose." I kissed her cheek in praise for learning a new word. 

"Lillian? I think I'm going to leave. I still have a few errands to run today." Sue seemed uneasy, but she saw herself out. I looked at Rose, raised my eyebrows, and shrugged my shoulders. Rose did the exact same thing. I watched and listened as she cackled loudly in happiness. 

     I finished the cupcakes and got Rose's diaper bag out of my room. I hummed 'Crazy Love' by Michael Buble as I buckled Rose into her car seat. Within half an hour, we arrived at the nursing home. Rose squealed and clapped her hands in happiness. She loves seeing these people. 

"Lily? Rose? Is that you?" Mr. Peters asked this. He is blindin both eyes, unfortunately.

"Yes Mr. Peters." I laughed as Rose ran into his arms. He always waited by the front door for us. 

"What flavor did you bring today?" He asked this smiling and bringing Rose up to his lap. I know, who the heck trusts a blind man with their two year old daughter? Mr. Peters has been looking after her since we moved here six months ago. I trust him. 

"Cherry Daze." I said this handing him one of the cupcakes. "Cherry flavored cake, cherry frosting, and a single cherry on top." I unwrapped his cupcake and handed it back to him. Taking Rose, we head into the small dining room where I let Rose go see Ms. Benson. This woman is nice and has over seventy years of raising kids. At ninety years old, she still loves kids. 

"Rosie!" I hear her exclaim as Rose baby waddles over to her. I quickly set up the cupcakes on the pre-prepared platter. Placing a label next to the,, I smiled at my accomplishment. I may be a single mother, but everyday I am closer to opening my cupcake shop. 

     I watched Ms. Benson play patty cake with Rose as people came up to the table grabbing a cupcake before they were gone. The other women at the table were cracking jokes and laughing. I think this is the perfect atmosphere for my little girl. 

     After she finished patty cake, I took her by the hand and we walked down the hall towards Mr. Malone's room. He is a bitter old man who loves my cupcakes. The only problem is that he has a very hateful attitiude. Usually, I drop Rose off at Mr. Sampson's room across the hall, but today he has a doctor's appointment. I caustiously brought my last cupcake into the room in one hand and Rose's chunky fingers in my other hand. 

"Mr. Malone, your cupcake." I set it down on his tray, but he was staring at Rose. "I'm sorry, I usually lease her with Mr. Sampson, but he isn't-" He held up a hand to stop me. He moved his luch tray, scooting to the edge of the bed. Putting his arms out, he cooed softly to Rose until she was close enough for him to pick up. 

"What's your name soldier?" He asked her this and she gave a laugh. 

"Rose." Slightly off on syllables, but she mostly managed it. They happily stared at eachother for a while before he started bouncing his leg. I sat down in a side chair to listen as he started telling Rose war stories. 

      Halfway through the third story abour Vietnam, he was interrupted. "Grandpa-" A familiar voice stopped abruptly as he came through the door. 

"Lillian?" Ethan's confused voice counded confused. I looked over to where he was standing and saw his eyebrows furrow in confusion. 

"Ethan? What are you doing here?" I was curious, but Rose just looked at her dad with a happy smile. She was oblivious to the questions on both of our faces. 

"Dada!" She squealed this and Mr. Malone set her down. She waddled over to Ethan and clung to his leg. "Dada!" she just kept squealing this in pure happiness. 

"Rose, you have to be quiet." I said this softly from my seat, demonstrating with my voice. 

"Dada." She whispered this while still hugging his legs. 

"So, you come here for years and don't tell me you have a little girl?" Mr. Malone said this with old man anger in his voice. 

"Grandpa, I honestly didn't know until two days ago." That made Mr. Malone look at me. 

"How is it you come see me every Saturday for the last six months and you never ran into Ethan?" I was stuned, Ethan comes here on Saturdays too? It had really been a matter of time before we ran into eachother. 

     I began laughing and at some point Rose and the two men began laughing too. It had been just one cupcake that brought me into this room. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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