Scariest day ever

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Jade's P.O.V

Really Q? You where at the meeting for it Joe said. Lets do this I say. I was first. Okay take that guys order but whatever he orders you have to eat at least one of the items. (Q) Okay are you ready to order? Yes. May I have a tuna sandwich on flatbread and american cheese. Toasted? Yup.  I put the bread in and I take a scooper and put tuna in my mouth. Then some flat bread. I heard the guys going eww they all hate tuna but I love it. Then the thing I hated most american cheese. I put in my mouth then I heard Q say Oh thats right Jade hates american cheese. What you eat tuna but not american cheese? Sal says.  I was trying to get it down. Then I heard the toster what else? Know do the food thing but act like you don't know what the thing is Joe says. Pickles. I pick up the cucmber this? No. Oh this I put one in my mouth. Tomato I pickup the jalpeno no the red thing! Oh sorry. Popped that in my mouth. You are hi the hilarious he says.Angry. As he went to pay he pulled out a gun. (Q) What the hell. Q stay here I hear Murr say.  No. Q Stay there okay?I say crying. Who's Q? No one. Give me the money. No! Jade give him the money. (Sal) Okay fine. Now take you shirt off. No! Then I heard a bang. I look down and fall. Jade!!!!(All the guys say) Guys stay till he  leaves. I hear (Q) Crying. Q stop please I say. I was crying too. I hear the door close. Then I hear the guys. I keep closing my eyes. I see Joe he is pushing on my wound. Murr is on the phone. Sal is next to Q trying to calm him down. I say I'm scared. I know all the guys are crying. We are to I hear Joe whisper. I hear Q saying He should have came out. I  say I'm glad you didn't . I hear Joe saying Stay with us. I feal someones hand I look and it's Q. He is the last person I see. I hear him say no! Dont die please. I feal pushing on my chest. Then I see light and I see my friend Dustin. I start crying I was happy to see him but that meant I was dead. No I need to go back. You will but you get a chance to see me again. Okay I say we walk around. Why did you do it? I ask. I can't tell you that but I promise I'm really sorry. He gave me a hug then I was in a ambulance.  She is breathing I hear someone say. Where was I shot? I ask. You were shot in your chest. You are lucky to be alive. I know I am. Where is Q? They are picking someone up they don't know your breathing.

Mason's P.O.V

I was sitting on my couch with my girlfriend when their was a banging on my door. I open it with James,Joe,Brian,and Sal. They were all crying. I look at Brian. What happened. We were.. (Joe) Shooting a episode when a guy shot Jade. What! When the ambulance came she was prononced dead. What!! I looked at Q he was a wreck. Okay to the hospital. I was freaking out. Was I gunna have to call her family? Well yeah.I texted Dan and Judd. Guys I say crying I need you to meet me at the hospital. Dan: Why whats wrong? Judd: What's up? Jade was shot. Dan: What! Where? Subway. Judd: What!? Ik Dan and Judd Be there i 5 min. 

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