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Being a fairly large cabin, the ideas they had thought of were numerous with many contestants as to which one was the best as if it was one of those little party games held at birthdays and everyone was a winner. Katie, in attempt to ignore the stupidity of some of her mother's offspring, decided this was the right time to think of which was the most logical prank to pull as revenge on the Stoll brothers.

After getting used to the background noise and having a self-debate, Katie had hardly realised it had started to fade away. Katie, coming into the understanding that they wanted something from her, mumbled the odd expletive and slowly raised her head.

"Yes?" she questioned whilst rotating her head to share eye contact with many members in the group, which was all huddled around the large spot of the jade carpet in the middle of their beds.

"Well, we want your opinion on which one of these would be the most effective and fun to pull on Travis and Connor. You are our head counsellor after all- decisions like this should be left to you," Ty, one of the eldest boys in the cabin, replied nonchalantly. Other cabin members stared at Katie in hope that an instant answer would be formed.

"Time for dinner," Katie said, deciding it was the right answer as she, herself, was not sure.

Katie rose up to her feet and headed towards the door, hardly being careful to not step on the siblings blocking her path, and did not hesitate in reaching out for the door handle. Although Katie had ordered the Demeter cabin to go and eat, this was something she wasn't planning on. Katie needed time to think, away from her siblings, as she could not do this whilst being surrounded by people who thought of her as some sort of quick-thinking motherly figure.

Katie dashed into the forested area behind her cabin before any of her siblings could catch her and decided on heading towards the beautiful woods many of her cabin mates had declared their thinking space. She didn't know the exact route in which these, apparently, enchanted woods were located in so Katie decided to just walk in parts she had never been to before.

Whilst headed on her path, she passed a lot of beautiful flower beds that had obviously been the work of her green-thumbed siblings. Aromas of these spread through the air, making Katie realise that the perfect ratio of the best smelling flowers had been used. Despite wanting to just stop and stare at these, Katie had to move further into the forest after realising how beautiful her final destination was going to be after all.

Though only a few more feet into the woodlands, Katie stopped. Her eyes were closed and light brown, almost blonde, hair being forced south of her by the wind. She just had to stop and admire everything that was not provided by her vision. Chirping birds echoing through the land and a fresh breeze causing branches to smack into each other, these being sounds Katie loved. Still keeping her eyes closed, Katie took a few more steps forward and slowly opened her eyes.

Whilst walking in the same path she had been headed in since the start of her mini adventure, Katie heard loud crunch from a leaf not too far away. Deciding to investigate this mysterious moment, the direction she was walking to was changed to where she had heard the leaf being abused.

Hearing more crunches and crackles, she sped up craving to know who was creating these sounds. Whilst turning her head to look behind a large pine she heard a sharp 'damn' release from a male voice. She stood still, trying to put a finger on the voice, though didn't realise she had grown to despise the laugh that was released from the same body. Travis Stoll she realised, almost replicating the words that leaked out of his mouth seconds before.

Unknowing of what to do, she ran towards the surprised adolescent with no fear of raising her voice.

"Stoll- I swear to the Gods if you don't stop abusing fallen leaves I will personally cut you for the sanity of my mother," Katie released, rapidly growing closer to the much hated camp celebrity at the same speed her voice rose.

"Well hello there, Kathy, what a coincidence to meet you here," Travis shot back, smirking at a slim twig and proceeded in brutally murdering it before the very eyes of an angered 'Kathy'.

"It's Katie," She replied, making the fact she was about to pounce very obvious.

Though being so full of rage Katie seemed to forget the fact her eyes were laid upon a fulltime prankster. Whilst completing her task in jumping towards the dark chocolate haired demigod, she got swept off her feet, by a trip wire; painfully.

A shriek fell out of her mouth as she fell into a pile of unsuspecting tulips that had been trodden on by the older Stoll brother; who was now laughing his way out of the forest. Though Katie felt like laying there for eternity, she looked up to see the say pine tree that Travis was hidden behind. She let another ungodly scream roll out of her mouth; this forest was far from magical. And now it was another valid reason for vengeance to occur.

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