Chapter 4 - The Final Practice

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Daniel and I both drop our belongings against the wall and walk into the middle of the room. Somebody has a stereo set plugged in, with their phone set to our audition medley. I find an empty space and Daniel comes and stands beside me. There are about 500 dancers standing all around us. Suddenly, reality sets in. This is how many people I'm going to be up against during the audition. A feeling of sudden intimidation passes through me, throwing off my focus. A girl presses a button on the stereo and the music begins. Michael once said that the biggest mistake that a dancer can make is to think while they are dancing. So, I close my eyes and try absorb myself into the rhythm of the music.

In perfect sync with everyone else in the room, I shoot my arm into the air, and begin to shuffle across the floor.

"I'm telling you, only how I feel, gonna hurt your mind, don't shoot to kill, Shamone!" Michael sings.

I bring my arm down onto my hip as I throw my head back and do a quick spin. I land perfectly on my toes. I look to my left, where Daniel is hitting each move spot on. I close my eyes and anticipate the start of the next song. A quicker bass line begins to play and the beat begins to pick up pace. I quickly step forward, then back, and lean backwards rhythmically. I can feel the music now, I can blend into the beats and the rhythms.

"Keep on, with the force don't stop, don't stop till you get enough!" I sing along with Michael.

I spin and crouch to the ground still in sync with the other dancers before I shoot back into the air with my arms above my head. My entire body is filled with energy now. The song changes for the final time into Smooth Criminal: my favourite part of the dance. I pop my shoulders out as I shift my weight from foot to foot. I strut to the left and tip my invisible fedora. As much as I'm enjoying myself right now, I can't help but compare myself to the dancers around me. I'm not as nimble as the blond haired girl in front of me, nor am I as light on my feet as Daniel is beside me. Suddenly, my stomach drops a little when I realize that it's time to do the spin. I take in a sharp breath, and position my feet in a split second. I begin to spin at the same time as the other 500 dancers in the room.

'Don't fall, don't fall, please don't fall.' I think to myself. I count the rotations in my head...1,2,3...but my foot slips. I almost let out a scream of surprise and frustration, but all I can manage is a grunt as I begin to fall towards the floor once again. Reaching out, I swiftly grab onto Daniel's arm in an attempt to break the fall. He gasps at the impact, but quickly helps me back to my feet. Stumbling for a moment, I pull myself together and move on to the final part of the dance. I jump and cross my arms, then twist from side to side as I pluck at the air with each hand. I finish with my fist in the air as the music finishes.

Cheers erupt from the crowd of dancers. I was thinking while I was dancing! I fell because I was thinking! I close my eyes in frustration. People jump up and high five each other as I turn to Daniel.

" so sorry..." I say to him. I can feel myself becoming hysterical. "...I didn't mean to ruin it for you, it-it was my fault and I'm sorry and-"

"It's okay, it's okay, just explain to me what happened." He says, sounding concerned.

I try to calm myself down before I speak, but it doesn't help.

"W-well I was spinning...and then my foot slipped again..and...and..." I could feel myself holding back tears of anger.

"It's okay," He repeats. I can sense the reassurance in his voice. "It happens to everyone."

I take a shaky breath.

"I know...but it happened to me earlier this morning too, and I'm scared that I won't be able to do the spin anymore, and it completely will blow my chances of passing the audition." I grunt as I plop myself onto the floor.

Daniel stands above me, giving me a sympathetic look. I squint my eyes and look up at him.

"You know, you are a really good dancer." I say.

He laughs.

"I'm serious! You nailed every single move! It was amazing!"

"Well thank you! It means a lot. You were great too you long have you been dancing for?"

I freeze for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

"Well...a pretty long time I guess. I've never actually taken dance lessons or anything-" I begin

"Wait, what?!" Daniel interrupts. "You're telling me you taught this all to yourself?"

"Yeah, I guess so." I can't help but smile a little.

I rarely get complimented on anything.

"That's amazing!" He says. "That's real talent right there. And I almost forgot, you can sing too!"

"Wait, how do you know if I can sing?" I say, confused.

"During Don't Stop Till You Get Enough you started singing, you don't remember?" He laughs.

I can feel my cheeks turning red with embarrassment. I don't normally sing in front of anyone. I let out a nervous laugh.

"Did you really think it was good?"

"Do I think it was good? I know it was good!"

"Thanks, means a lot." I say.

"No, you deserve it! You're really talented...has no one ever told you that before?"

I look at the ground.

", actually."

We both sit in silence for a minute.

"Michael would be proud to know that he influenced such an incredible young dancer, you know."

I can't hold back any longer. Tears sting at my eyes. I reach over and hug Daniel. He hugs me back..

"I just can't believe that no one has told you these things before. Don't cry." He says.

"I'm's just really overwhelming to realize that you think I have talent. You know, I've been worried that dancing isn't the right path for me to take on life, but this makes me feel so much better."

"Why are you doubting yourself?" 

"Well, I live alone with my mother, and she never supports me in anything I do. All she does is ridicule me and put me down, so the only feedback I've ever heard about my dancing is that I should stop trying."

"Aww Daniella that's awful." He says. "Even if you don't get support at home, please don't ever stop dancing. You've got a real gift."

I sniff and let go of him. I quickly wipe my eyes before anyone notices that I've been crying.

"Thank you so much." I say softly.

"Don't worry about it Daniella."

"Please, call me Dani. I decided a long time ago that when I get my first real friend I will let them call me Dani." I giggle.

"Well I'm very honoured to be your first real friend, Dani." He says with the warmest smile.

I smile along with him as he pulls me into another hug. I can see the clock from over his shoulder. It reads 11:20am. The happy feeling in my stomach becomes more powerful at the realization that I am ten minutes away from seeing Michael Jackson.

Ten. More. Minutes.

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