Story of Raven

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"Once, long long ago, lived a cat. He was called Raven. He was the most superior, audacious, finest cat in the world. One day, when he was still very young, he became King of Cats of the Boulders. He was an exceptional King, but one day Raven made a tremendous mistake.

"One night, the Spirits of the Stars told him that he must address their messenger, Compass, that he must come and speak to them. The King didn't think it was the most essential thing to do, so he decided to do it the next day, then the next day, and so on until he forgot about his task completely.

"The Spirits of Stars got eminently angry at Raven. The spirits were supposed to tell Compass that he must get help to save the last of the Flame Cats, but the king did not call Compass and the Cats of the Flames went extinct.

"The Star Spirits held a grand meeting and chose to punish the Raven by sending him and his cats, the Cats of the Boulders, to the Place of No-Stars. It was the most inferior and unfavourable place. It was cut of from the rest of the world, and was so dark and dreaded, and full of evil that even Star Spirits did not dare to go there. But there was still more punishment; the Cats of the Boulders could not could back from the Place of No-Stars until a cat's paw from the Real World, not from one of the Boulder Cats, touched the fur of the King, even if and when Raven died.

"And so, Raven and his cats were sent to the Place of No-Stars. After many years, the Spirits of the Stars started to pity the King. It was just a mistake, they realized, but they were so mad that they punished him for a mistake Raven did not know that he made. But what was done, was done. The Star Spirits were not from the Real World, so they could not free the Cats of the Boulders. They could only sit and wait for a cat to come and dismiss the Cats of the Boulders from the atrocious lands of the Place of No-Stars."

"And did a cat come? Did they free the Cats of the Boulders?" Mewed a small silver tabby kitten. Her immense eyes illuminated in the darkness of the cave as her blue gaze looked up at her mother.

"Oh no, my little one, this happened in the ancient days. No cat has ever reached the Place of No-Stars, and those who tried, failed miserably. No cat will ever try to free the Cats of the Boulders anymore, for they are just stories and legends now." The mother cat mewed softly in reply.

"It's time to go to sleep now, Good night my little Silver Dust, sleep well,"

But Silver Dust did not go to sleep. She lay in her nest, curled up beside her mother and snoring sibling thinking about the story. She was glad that she was not one of the Cats of the Boulders but was a Cat of the Waterfall, and that her king wasn't Raven but Night Snake.

Silver Dust's eyes closed and she fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of her freeing the Cats of the Boulders...

A paw prodded the kitten stiffly in the stomach.

"Hey Silver, Wake up! Mother said that we can explore the explore along the river today," It was Berry, Silver Dust's sister.

Silver Dust watched her sister's red tail disappear out of the sleeping cave. Her sister was a calico, white with black and red spots. Berry was named after a very sweet red berry that grew in the mountains that the Cats of the Waterfalls lived in. The berries were the same colour as Berry's red spots.

Silver Dust was named after the Silver Rock. After years and years of being polished by a waterfall, it became the shiniest silver rock in the mountains. The waterfall dried up left Silver Rock shining in the sun. If you rub the rock really hard, some silver dust is left of your paw. It glitters wonderfully in the sunlight, just like Silver Dust's fur.

The silver tabby jumped out of her nest, gave her pelt a little shake, and bounded eagerly outside to explore the river's edge with Berry.

"I'll go explore the river closer to the waterfalls, and you go explore farther down the river," The calico kitten mewed, "And after we're done exploring, we'll meet in the sleeping cave to tell each other what we found."

Silver Dust nodded in agreement. As she walked down the river bank, she tried not to miss a single detail so she could tell her sister everything. It was quiet there, without the sounds of falling water. Lush green mountainous plants grew at the river's edge. Some pretty white flowers had started to bloom. The silver cat gave them a sniff. Their smell was as soft as a rose's petal and as sweet as a mountain bee's honey.

The silver she-kitten was having a quick drink of water, when a screech pierced the air. Silver Dust looked up and gasped as a huge bundle of feathers tumbled on top of her.

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