Dark Chasm

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The path of dark sand was gloomy and somber. Silver Dust was unconsciously afraid of it. The lifeless stars, the dark sand, the bare trees, the black fog, all this made the dark path seem extraordinary. All that extraordinaire made it spooky.

A bloodcurdling screech pierced the misty air. Silver Dust looked up and saw the huge shape of an eagle in the black sky. It was Compass.

The odd sand and dark mist altered his voice to complete unfamiliarity.

The Messenger landed. His white head and tail was covered in something dark. He looked big very tired and had to breath for a moment before he began to talk.

"What a nasty place this is. I can't believe that the Place of No Stars is even worse than this. Look at my head and tail! It's all stained from the fog! It's a good thing you made it here safely. Let's get going. I've heard that this black fog can sometimes whip up a storm."

"Fog? Create a storm? How is that possible!?" Silver Dust let out a surprised cry.

All Compass said in reply was, "These are strange lands." And was off.

The dark sand path seemed to never end. They kept walking on and on, past the feeble, barren trees covered in the mysterious black mist.

But the path did come to an end. It ended most unexpectedly. They were standing at the edge of the dark chasm, where the path broke off. A jagged wall of sand and rock went straight down until it disappeared in obscurity. The other side, if there even was one, was hidden by the fog.

"This is the chasm that borders the Place of No Stars. It has no bottom, so if you fall in, you will be falling down endlessly, forever," Compass descended to the ground with a small thump. Silver Dust let out a gasp.

"I'm not trying to scare you. I'm just warning you. You must jump over it."  

"That's impossible! You can't even see where the other side is! Maybe there isn't one at all!" The silver kitten shivered.

"That's the point," The Bald Eagle said knowingly, "You must believe that there is another side for there to one. If you believe and you jump, you will make it. But if you panic and become frightened, the other side does not exist and you will be forever falling down into the dark chasm, for space and time have no end."

"I will jump first," Blue announced.

"I will meet you on the other side, if there is one," The messenger answered with a mystifying tone. He took a deep breath, flapped his wings and dissapeared in the black fog.

Silver Dust watched as her friend crouched low at the edge of the opening and concentrated on the mist.

"You can do this, I believe in you!" The kitten said, trying to sound encouraging. 

"Thanks," She uttered. Bobtail Blue sprang up and before Silver Dust knew it, was also gone in the black fog.

"Blue! Blue! Did you make it?"

Her cry was followed by deadly silence. She felt a cold chill spread over her body. 

I must believe that I can make it! I must believe that there's another side! 

Silver Dust kept on repeating it and repeating it in her head, until she was completely sure of herself. She backed away from the chasm.

I can do this!

She crouched down.

I can do this!

She pawed the dark sand.

I can do this!

She started running.

I can do this!

She neared the edge.

I can do this!

She pushed off the edge.

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