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"He what!" Tanner exclaims, fury evident in his eyes as he drops his glass of coke on the kitchen counter with a "clunk."

"How'd you find out?" Axel asks, his eyes showing concern.

I shake my head and lean against the counter with my fingers laced together. "It doesn't matter, he just cheated."

Jackson looks up from his phone. "It's not such of a surprise," he states before typing away at his phone again.

I dig my hands through my hair and grunt. "I know. I'm just stupid."

"I'm going to kill him," Tanner states, glaring at the floor.

I throw my hands up in the air. "No!" I exclaim, making my brothers jump. "I already have a plan for tomorrow morning," I say, smirking just a little.

"What?" All three of them say at the same time. Jackson sets down his phone, curious. Axel stands with his hands on his hips. Tanner places his glass in the sink.

I stand up from leaning against from leaning against the counter, a smirk on my face. "You guys don't need to worry. I've got it all under control." Or at least I hope so. I turn around and head upstairs to my room. Dad went to go get groceries and took Wes with him. I open my door and switch on the TV as I sink into my bed. "Catfish is on, but I don't really concentrate. I'm really nervous for tomorrow. What if something goes wrong? What if we don't look believable? What if Ashton thinks I'm a bad kisser?

Wait, what? I'm being such a girl!

I hear my phone ping next to me on the bed and I grab it. Mara's name flashes across the screen. It's probably her reply from when I sent her a message when I arrived after the whole Ashton situation. I told her everything. Even about how Axel decided to have his sleepover the same night as me. On the bright side, though, he has cute friends from different grades, including Ashton.

Yes, I admitted that Ashton is cute.

I open the message to find that Mara did answer.

Mara: I'll keep lookout to make sure that Brad and Raina will see you😉

I quickly type back a reply.

Me: Thanks, bestie! I really appreciate it😘

I throw down my phone and fall back on my bed and sigh.


"Oh hi," I say nervously, interrupting Mara's conversation about her German test today.

Ashton smiles back and rubs the back of his neck. "Hey."

I gesture to Mara and she waves at him. "This is Mara, she'll be making sure that the plan goes as it should, Mara, this is Ashton."

"Nice to meet you," she smiles.

"You too," he returns.

"The bell will be ringing in about 10 minutes, so we should get to positions," Mara says, staring down at her watch and then clapping her hands.

I awkwardly follow Ashton to the kissing corner. We both place our bags on the ground and then look at each other. I feel my face go red and try to shake it off.

"Ready?" He asks, lifting a brow.

I give a nervous laugh and nod. "Well, I can't back out now," I say.

He grins and moves closer, making me gulp.

"I see Raina!" Mara says.

"Good," I say, braking eye contact from Ashton.

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