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The light in my room snaps on and I squint at Axel standing next to me. I stretch out and grab a pillow, hauling it at him. "It's so freakin early!" I grunt and roll over.

He slaps me with the pillow I threw at him and I wince. "It's Tanner's birthday, time to wake up. His surprise is outside."

I slowly roll out of the bed onto the floor and crawl over to my cupboard to grab my school clothes. Axel rolls his eyes and closes the door.

After getting ready, I grab Tanner's present, a nice reading book, and open my door. I trot down the stairs and into the kitchen were everyone is gathered around Tanner at the table. I smile and hug my second eldest brother from behind. "Happy 18th!" I scream in his ear.

He moves his head away and turns around.

"Here's your present," I say and hand a blue wrapped present.

"Thanks, Odette," he says and starts tearing at it.

He takes out the book and smiles. "You remembered!" He says and pulls me closer for a side hug.

Tanner is obsessed with reading and loves to write as well. That's why he gets such amazing marks for English.

"It's my pleasure," I say and mentally pat myself on the back.

"And that's not all," dad says as he gets up from his chair near the pile of wrapping paper from the other presents he got. "Go look outside."

Before I could blink, Tanner is out his seat and running outside. We all smirk at each other and follow behind him.

We step through the front door to Tanner starring at his new car.

"Oh my goodness," he breathes. "It's mine!" He jumps up and strokes his hand over the bronze colour Duster and his grin grows wider.

"Orion helped chip in most of the money," dad says, happy with Tanner being happy.

Orion nods as Tanner stares at him. "Thanks so much, bro!" Tanner exclaims and hugs him. "And thanks dad!" He hugs dad and we all smile.

"Now once you get your license your going to be driving us around," Axel says with his lip risen and his arms folded. I copy him and so does Jackson. Wes sees us all do it and does the same as well.

"You guys wish," he scoffs and pets his car again.


"Do you by any chance know where Tanner went last night?" I ask Rocky as I walk to Drama and he walks to Biology.

He shakes his head and adjusts his backpack. "Nah, why?"

I shake my head and shrug. "I just heard him on the phone and he said something about seeing someone for something," I say and stop in front of my class.

He runs his hand through his light brown English cut and shrugs. "Probably just went to a bar or something with some friends," he says. "That's what he's doing tonight, right?"

I nod my head. "Yup, celebration of turning eighteen."

Tanner isn't really friends with Rocky even though their the same age. Rocky is actually a month older.

"I got to go, see you at brake," he says and walks away.

"See you," I say after him and enter my class.

I take in the surroundings of Ms Gibbon sitting cross legged on her desk on her computer, kids sitting on their chairs and facing each other as they speak and finally, sitting in the corner with her just as crazy brace faced friend. Luna Fitzgerald.

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