Chapter 1

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My step dad and stepbrothers helped my mom and I move all our things to their house. It took three days to move. After that my mom packed stuff for their honeymoon. So here we we sit in living room and being told the rules.

"...parties, no burning the house down, no fighting, no yelling...:"and the list went on and on. Someone had to stop her.

"Mom we get it go have fun." I told her.

" There is money for food and some to go to pick up food. Watch your sister. The weather say that it's not going to rain the week that we will be gone so she should be fine. Callie call me if you have one of those attacks." She said. In front of my brothers they just looked at me with curious looks.


"Sorry for making sure your OK and don't yell at me. "

"What kind of attacks, "asked Justin.

"Panic attacks. I've been having them since my dad died." I told them.

"Why did they start? " Cole asked.

"I was there when when he was.... when he was shot. I was sitting in the back seat and a guy came up to the window and he started asking my to to give him money. An he was asking for the car. My dad said no. The guy pulled out a gun and I ducked in the back seat and he shot him. He took the money throw me and my dad body out of the car and took off."

"What happened after that?"asked Jack.

"I sat on the side of the road holding my dads body and crying. Someone pulled over and tried to pull me away but I wouldn't let go. The more the person pulled I tighter I held on and then I started screaming. More people pulled over to see what was going on. Someone called the police and when they tried to pull me away again I "I couldnt finish i had some many tears coming down my face. I knew I was about to have an attack. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I closed my eyes and tried calling myself. When that was down I ran up stairs. Into my room slammed the door and locked it and sat against it crying. I cried and cried til I feel a sleep.

Cole's P.O.V

I sat there shocked. I looked at my brothers and they had the same shocked look on their face. In front of us sat Jasmine. Callie's mom and she was crying.

"Just make sure she's OK. She's had a hard time and she still is. Just watch over her." She asked.

"We'll watch her and if anything happens we'll call you." Justin told her. After that she went upstairs to see if Callie was OK.

" What the hell was that?" Asked Jack.

"Don't know, don't care." I said.

"You know that you care about her." Justin says.

"No I don't. Leave me alone." Then I walk away and head to my room. I mean I do kind of care about her but I won't show it. She hates me and I hate her. Its going to stay that way. I walk out of my room and I can hear my brothers talking downstairs but I walk down the hall to to Callie"s room. I could hear her crying. Her door was open a bit and I looked inside. I could see that her mom and Belle hugging her as she struggled to breath. I could tell that she was trying to control herself. But was having trouble. I went back to my room to just think. I lay on my bed turning on my to to find a picture of my mom a week before she died. We were hugging her and my dad was kissing her forehead. Such a happy family. Here we again but not one big happy family.

A knock came at my door" Come in" I yelled. Someone opened the door and that person came in and laied down on my bed. I turned to my other side and seen Belle there.

"Whats wrong?" I ask her.

"She's having a panic attack and I can never never sit there and watch her go though it." She says. She closes her eyes and a minute later I could hear soft snores coming from her. I pulled the blank it over her and not long after I fall asleep to.

I wake up to someone walking into my room. I look over to the other side of the bed and Belle is still asleep. I look over at the door to see that Jake and Justin had come.

"Dad said that Callie's asleep. Also that it's dinner time." Justin said.

"Shut up. You'll wake Ger up." I said pointing to the other side of the bed.

"Stepmama says she gotta come to." Jake says.

"OK go I'll be down in a minute with her." They walked out after I said that. Belle looks like Callie. I wake her up gently and take her downstairs. We eat laugh, talk. When we're done I head up to check on Callie. Things are different and I just have to accept it. I close her door and head to my room. I fall asleep.


I woke up to the sun shining through my window. But also I remember that today my mom is going go on her honeymoon. Meaning that for the next month I'm stuck with the boys, yayayaya. No not really. I go eat breakfast, shower, brush my teeth,do my makeup, and get dressed. When I'm done I start setting up my room. Hanging my clothes in my closet also my some in my dresser. Then almost everything in my room is unpacked. But I get to a box that is filled with stuff that my dad gave me. Cards, presents. But way at the bottom I find a stack of pictures of just my dad, me and dad, dad and Belle, dad and mom, and just all of us together. After he died I had my mom print all the pictures that we ever had of him and give them to me. She did just that. For the 4 hours I find good places to put them all over my room.

Hours later I get a knock at my door. I go open it to find my mom.
"Come downstairs." She says. But then she looks behind me a nd gets a good look at my room. "Your dad would be so proud of you Callie. And he would happy that you never forget him." We both head down together. I see the boys there as well.

"Be good. An please don't cause any trouble. An call if you need anything. Anyway see you guys in a month. Bye love you guys." My mom says as leaves. When they leave I head to Belle's room and help her unpack and set up her room. I head downstairs again and up pack things in the kitchen and the living room and the dining room. When that's done I go to the kitchen and start on dinner. I pull out corn, chicken, curly fries, biscuits, and barbeque sauce. I pull apart the chicken and put it in a big bowl. Dump the whole bottle of barbeque sauce in the bowl and start mixing.

"Need any help?" Asked a voice for the door way. I look up to see Justin.

"Ya. Could you open the biscuits and room them flat." I tell him.
He does it and neither one of us talk. When I'm done mixing the chicken I move on to the fries. I put them on a tray and put them in the oven. I put a small pot on the stove open the corn and dump it in the put. When Justin is done rolling out the biscuits we start filling them up with the chicken. 20 minutes later three corn and are done and I put three chicken in and let it bake. When thats done Justin leaves and I pull out my phone and just look at my Facebook. 30 minutes later dinner it's a ready. I call everyone down al we all eat. After we eat we all had to bed. God night, Dad. I think. He may be died but he's still alive to me.

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