Chapter 6

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I froze as I watched him command his ships. Why is he still alive, according to Hiccup he never surfaced after being knocked down with Bewilderbeast. Balthazar almost growled, but I held him back and pleaded with him to be quiet. I felt so much anger well up in me as I watched him smirk.

"Wha-," Astrid was about to say something, but I covered her mouth before he could here her.

"He has really good hearing." I mouthed to her. She nodded and grabbed my hand for comfort, I squeezed hers reassuringly.

"We need a way out." Astrid mouthed to me.

"He'll see us no matter where we go." I mouthed back to her. I was trying to think of what we could do when I remember the others, they were sure to come looking for us. Oh no.

"The others!" I mouthed quickly. A sudden fear appeared in her eyes. She looked at me frantically for a plan.

"I got it!" I mouthed to her, but I was halted in my tracks when I heard my father talk once again.

"We will stay here and keep a close eye on Berk. If any rider come near here, capture them, kill the rider, and leave the dragon to me." he smirked evilly as I looked at him. "We fight soon." the army cheered as he lifted a bottle of alcohol and took a long swig from it.

I pulled Astrid back ever so slightly to show her that we needed to go. She nodded and followed me as I crawled on the forest floor with Astrid following. We slowly moved away from them with Balthazar stealthily moving through the forest floor. I gulped and slowly stood up after about ten minutes of crawling. Astrid followed suit, standing while looking around.

"Run. Don't stop until you are on the other side of the island. Balthazar and I will meet you there. The first thing my father will do is scope the island for dragons. Balthazar and I can go fast enough to get rid of the dragons. Astrid, if you see any dragon, no matter what type, get them off the island." I instructed her.

"I don't know if I can do it." she gulped.

"Astrid, listen to me. My father won't stop until he is dead and he won't let you get in his way. He is out for blood now." I told her. She nodded, gulping.

"I can do it." she nodded.

"Good, now go. It looks to be a straight shot through maybe a mile, but no more then that. Balthazar and I will get rid of any dragon we see, but with the size of this island there should only be two at most. Now go." I pushed her lightly then climbed on Balthazar. He began flying at a high speed, but very agile in between the trees. He circled around until I saw a Gronckle laying in an open area in the forest in the sunlight.

I hopped off Balthazar and approached him slowly, even though my heart raced a mile a minute. He growled at me, but I put up my hands in a slow motion. He was quiet and came forward a little as I open the palm of my hand to him. He rubbed his nose on my hand and let his tongue stick out.

"I need you to go. There are bad people here that will take you." I pushed him lightly which made him take off, away from the island and Berk. I gave a sigh of relief and hopped on Balthazar. He took off and continued searching the island. I came up with no other dragons and headed to the beach where I saw Astrid pushing another Gronckle away, following the other.

"The one I let out before was the only one I found." I told her.

"Me too." she nodded.

"We need to go, warn the others and stop them if they are coming here." I told her. I clasped her arm up to her elbow with her holding my forearm as I lifted her up. She sat close to me and held up, leaning down.

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