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Lawrence Kansas.
Fall, 1991

It was a warm fall afternoon. The playground was mostly abandoned, with an exception of the two children who sat on the side of the small hill by the old oak tree.

One, a 12 year old boy named Dean, and the other, a 11 year old girl named Cas. The two were best friends, inseparable, one would say. Where one went, the other followed. They weren't siblings though. No, they were just neighbors.

Every day, they would meet at the small park after school, and lie on the hill, watching the clouds above. They would exchange jokes, or tell each other stories about knights and dragons.

Today, was different. Sadness hung in the air like poison.

They both sat there, afraid that speaking would ruin what little time they had left together.

They knew that they would never see each other ever again. And they were both terribly sad.

But Dean just turned to her and smiled.

He pulled out a small box from his pocket. Inside, were two necklaces. One had a blue bird charm, and the other had a green bird charm.
The blue one was his, and the green one was hers. Why he chose these colors was beyond her. But they were beautiful, and she loved hers.

The necklace came with a promise.

They promised each other that they would never forget about the friendship they had.

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