Personal Butler(Part 2)

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Your POV
I was staring at the table of foods but the one thing I was staring at the most was the man that's dressed in a butler suite right in front of me right now. "Wow Usui you really outdid yourself with the butler thing huh, I gotta give it to you I'm impress" "Well thank you my lady" He then pull a chair out for me and said "Please start on your meal they will get cold if you wait any longer my lady" So I start as I was told. As I was eating I notice that Usui was still standing there and so I ask him "Aren't you going to eat Usui?"
"My lady, I will have my meal later"
"Why don't you sit and eat with me now"
"No, my lady as your butler I'm afraid that is against my policy" Oh my god he even has his own policy now really Usui.
"No no, sit down and eat with me I insist you do"
"But my lady"
"Usui, this is an order sit down and have lunch with me" man he's a pain but I'm impress of his manners, he's being so polite. 'OMG I just had the greatest idea ever, but I kinda don't wanna do it because I wanna stay home and catch up on anime'
"So umm Usui as the deal is said you will be my butler for the whole day and so you will follow my every order without hesitation"
"Yes my lady that is true and I intent to do just that" what does he mean intent aww whatever "You are to act like an actual butler with proper manners and wear a butler suite and that's about it"
"Yes my lady and you will have to finish your lunch soon so you could move on to your schedule for today"
"My schedule for today? There's nothing that I have to do today is there"
"After you finish your lunch I will tell you my lady" and so I continue eating the food and so on I finished.
"So what's my schedule today?"
"My lady you are to finished any school work you have and then you may have a break and then you can do what you want until dinner"
"Schoolwork? Really Usui isn't this supposed to be my day off from school"
"Yes my lady but wouldn't completing your work on time be easy and I will be there to help you with anything you don't understand"
"Aww man okay whatever I was going to do it anyways and besides it's not like there're a lot of work or anything" and so I was on my way upstairs "My lady I'll be there to help you once I'm done with the dishes"
"Okay, you don't have to hurry though" and I made my way to my room. "Okay let see I gotta work on my English presentation and then there's the math" and so I got started I was working on my presentation first and then a knock appear on the door 'Come in" Usui appear and then walked closer to me "If there's anything you don't understand and need help with you can call me my lady"

"I know now please sit down somewhere" I sat there for a while typing on my laptop I was almost done with the presentation I just need to add a few picture and the source. I look up to Usui, he couldn't sit still it is like he is so eager to help me or something. "Ah and I'm done with the presentation, now let's move on to math" I was working on math until I cross a difficult question I couldn't figure it out maybe I could ask no no I refuse to ask him for help this is the last question. Then he came closer noticing that I was stuck "My lady do you need my help"

"No I'm fine I can figure this out by myself thank you for asking though" A few minute later Usui was sitting next to me explaining the question "In the end I couldn't figure it out after all"

"My lady it seem like you have finish all of your work what would you like to do next" OMG yes we're gonna go shopping and that's where my plan begins he's gonna cry after this because he's gonna carry all of my stuff when we walk *mentally laughing(LOL) "Okay Usui change into some normal clothes we're going shopping" "But my lady one of the rules is that I have to wear this suite"
"Look Usui this is just because we're going outside you can put it back on when we get back"
"Okay then please wait for me here I'll be right back"
"Please hurry I want to make it back home before dinner"

Time Skip brought to you by the handsome butler
And so we went shopping together I made Usui carried all of the shopping bags but he's not complaining not even a bit I give up looks like my plan fails. We arrive back home it was around 7:00 and Usui was starting on dinner while I get something to drink out of the fridge. "Usui if you need me I'll be watching anime in the living room"

"Yes my lady I'll call for you when dinner is ready" I walked over to the couch and turn on my laptop then browse online for a bit then I finally start on anime, I was so excited to watch this series that I have been planning to watch for a while now the name of it is (You pick the anime). I was watching until I was called for dinner

"My lady dinner is ready"

"Okay I'll be there in a bit" I was turning off the laptop and stuff and I walk to the dinner table again facing a table that is full of foods and I also notice that Usui had change back into his butler suite. I walk over to the table and Usui pull out the chair for me he then present me the meals "Enjoy my lady" he step out for abit and came back with what I think is a violin case. He pull out the violin and start playing I was staring at him my face full with shocks "Usui I didn't know you could play and you're really good at it too"

"Oh my lady this is nothing and thank you it fills me with joy when you find my playing is good" I smile to him and as I go back to eating he continue playing the violin and as soon as I finished I walked back and continue on my anime and I'm assuming that Usui is eating and doing the dishes as well.

Konichiwa minna it's your lovely author Yuna-chan here so here's the next chapter. There will be another part for personal butler so I will get on with that soon. And I'm sorry if I won't post that one fast it's because next week I will have one of the biggest test in the country so I have to study hard and try to pass the test hehe see you later all my lovely reader-chan.

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