Personal Butler(part 3)

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Your POV

We were at the dinner table eating dinner well at least I was, Usui was standing there playing the violin. I was smiling while I continue eating. Haring the smooth playing of the violin makes me happy it remind me of my cousin when I was small he use to play the violin for me. Come to think of it he hasn't visit for a long time maybe I should call. I kept eating and my smile grew larger and Usui notice it and ask me "My lady are you enjoying yourself?" I kept smiling
"As a matter of fact I am hehehe" I giggled "So please keep playing, oh and Usui the deal is off at 9:00 pm so make sure you complete your works by then"

"Yes my lady there's no need to worry" and he continue playing and continue eating. I finished dinner at around 8:30pm and so I went back to the living room and grab a manga to read because I didn't felt like turning on my laptop right now and so I began reading. After a bit I went upstairs and took a shower and get change and stuff. I came back down it was now around 8:55 I was going to see Usui but he came to the living room he was still in his butler clothes and so I said "Usui you can change no it's almost time for the deal to end"

"Oh my lady but I'm afraid I haven't completed all of my work yet"
"Oh and what would that be?"
"That would be to put my mistress to bed" I blush and was trying to hide it
"I don't need you to do that I'm fine by myself"
"Oh but my lady please I insist" I facepalm myself
"OMG you're such a pain lets go" and so we went to my room on the way I remember that my phone was still in the living room and I was going to get it but then Usui asked "did you forget something my lady?"

"Oh yeaah it's just my phone I left it on the table in the living room and I'm just gonna go and get it real quick"

"My lady you should go up first I shall go and bring you your phone" and so he went back down and I went up to my room. I went in and left the door open a few second later Usui came in with my phone and he put it on the desk next to the door as he walk in further he called for me but I didn't answer as he step in far enough I who was standing behind the door push it shut and lock it(Well nobody is home but you know just incase). Usui turn back to see me walking closer to him I was now resting my head on and both hand on his chest he then look at me and I look back and separate my body from his and push him backwards now he was on my bed and he look back up. I walk forward and climb on top of him on the back going closer to his face as our face were in reach and our eyes met in that second I could have sworn that he was blushing.

After a few seconds of staring at each other I look down and run my hand through his chest. After it was on his stomach I remove my hand and place it on his tie and slowly remove it from his neck with my eyes looking at him trying to be as seductive as possible. I then started to unbutton his shirt leaving his chest expose and now I was running my hand on his chest again just this time on his actual skin. I then push him on to the bed again and I lowered my body down closer to his our face were inches away I cup his face in my hand even though I did this much Usui still hasn't done anything my guess is that he's stunt from me doing this to him he just stayed there the whole time blushing and so I continue. Now that his face was cupped in my hands I move my face closer to the point that our noses were touching I could feel his breath and his hearth beat I brought our lip closer and closer bit by bit until it was almost touching Usui had his eyes close and the second it was gonna touch I couldn't help but burst out laughing like crazy and Usui came back to his sense. I was really laughing my ass off right now

"I'm sorry but you just got prank hardcore, you thought I was gonna kiss you right" still laughing my ass off I manage to say that much

"You know my last work for today as your butler was to put you to bed and at that second that you got on it means that the deal of me being your butler was over" After he finished he switch our position and push me down he was coming closer I was trying to calm down because I laugh too hard Usui kept coming closer but I couldn't resist it my bones are still soft from that laughing and I couldn't move so I went with the flow. Usui came closer and our lips were meeting once again from what he said yesterday I've come to trust him and so I return the kiss to my baka lover. At the end he still got a kiss from me but at least my prank succeeded and I was happy. In was now ready to go to sleep and Usui got of the bed and was sitting next to it with a book "Wait Usui are you going to read me a book"

"Yes (Y/N) just until you fall asleep after that I will leave" I smile at him

"Good night baka" I was falling asleep to his sweet voice. I imagine he had already left but it was a great day though everything was great I gotta get some sleep I need to go to school tomorrow.


Hey hey reader-chan I'm back and I'm so happy right now since I pass my test and thank god it's all over, now I'm gonna be writing more often. Oh and I hope you like this chapter it got a bit intense hehe but still I hope you like it. Oh and I have released the first chapter of my new fanfic Sanji x reader so please give it a try and I hope you will like it. Anyways reader-chan I'm gonna go now see ya soon with the next chapter.

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