Chapter Sixteen

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(A/N I'm just gonna skip to prom day. Okay? Okay)

Lexi's POV

I get up the next morning feeling very happy. I get up and go downstairs and eat breakfast. When I'm done I go upstairs and get ready. Since it's only 11 o'clock I take my time.

I decided on wearing high waisted shorts with a 5sos shirt with a matching 5sos beanie. For my hair I just straightened it. I didn't really put any effort into my makeup. I just put some eyeliner and mascara on. After I was finished I put on my black converse.

When I was finished it was only 12 and Rachel wouldn't be here till 1:30 so I decided to go to Starbucks. I didn't feel like driving so I rode my penny board. When I got there I was thankful that it wasn't packed.

I went up to the counter and ordered what I wanted then sat down. While I waited I just played on my phone.

"Can I sit with you?" I heard someone say. I looked up and it was a really cute guy he had blonde hair and blue eyes.


"What's your name?"

"Lexi. What's yours?"


"Nice to meet you Jack"

"You to"

Just as he finished his sentence they called my name.

"I'll be right back" I got up and got my drink. When i turned around Shawn walked through the door.

"What's up Lexi?"

"Just drinking Starbucks waiting on Rachel"

"Nice. Are you ready for prom?"

"Yes I can't wait!"

"Good, cause we're gonna have a blast"

"Ok. Would you like to sit with me?"

"Sure just let me order"

"Ok" I walked back over to Jack who was looking out the window. When I sat down he looked at me.

"So tell me about yourself Lexi"

"Well, my names Lexi, I'm 17. I have a older brother named Noah. I love was born an raised in North Carolina. I play soccer. My favorite color is green"

Just as I finished Shawn came and sat beside me.

"Jack I'd like you to meet my friend Shawn. Shawn I'd like you to meet Jack"

"Hey Jack"

"Hey Shawn"

"So Jack tell us about yourself"

"Well, my names Jack Johnson, I'm 19, I have a older brother. I was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. My best friends name is Jack. I like To play sports"

"So what brings you to North Carolina?"

"Some of my relatives live down here"


We just sat there laughing and cutting up until Rachel comes running through the door.

"Lexi! Come on we need to go get our nails and hair done!"

"Ok, chill!"

"I've been looking for you everywhere And Shawn you need to go to. The guys are looking for you"

"Ok, bye Jack, bye Lexi see you tonight" he kissed me on the cheek.

"Bye Shawn" I was probably blushing like crazy.

"Well, sorry I have to go Jack but we should hang out again. Here's my number"

I wrote it on a piece of paper and gave it to him.

"Bye Lexi"

All I could think about on the way to the nail salon was what if I mess up? What if I say something stupid? I mean it's prom I don't want to look stupid. Especially in front of Shawn. He maybe my best friend but I want tonight to be perfect.

I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't realize we were here. We got out the car and went in. I got mine French tipped while Rachel got hers the color of her dress.

Then we went to get our hair done. Rachel just got hers curled with some of it pinned back. I got mine braided to the right side of my head where the braid stops behind my ear and the rest is curled to the side.
(A/N picture at the top/side. Rachel's is on the left. Lexi's is on the right)

Since we got a late start when we got done it was 3:30. Prom wasn't until 6 and we were going to eat before. So we went home and started getting ready.

We done our makeup first. I'm not a big fan of makeup but I wear it anyways. I just let Rachel do my makeup but when she got done I looked really pretty.

After makeup we got our dresses on then our shoes. Once we were done it was like 4:30 because Rachel takes forever doing makeup. We called the boys and made sure they were ready. They were so we decided we would go eat now.

The guys came buy and picked us up. They had rented a limo. In the limo there was Rachel and her date Josh, Claire and her date Ryan, and Shawn and I. Me and Shawn sat closest to the door than anyone else. When we got there the driver opened our door and Shawn got out. Then he helped me out so I wouldn't fall over my dress.

We went inside and sat and ate. Having a good time just laughing and cutting up. When we finished it was almost 6 so we headed to the school. They were holding it in the gym since we have a big gym.

When we got there a lot of people were there. I got out the car and Shawn held my hand on the way in. We got inside and just danced and had fun. Shawn and I spent our time dancing and talking to each other.

It was time to announce prom king and queen. First they did Queen.

"You Prom Queen Is... Lexi Taylor!"

I was so excited. The first thing I did was hug Shawn. Then I walked up to the stage and they put the crown on me.

"And Your Prom King Is... Shawn Mendes"

Shawn walked up to the stage and they put his crown on him. Then they did the king and queen dance. While we danced Shawn they played Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran and Shawn was singing to me.

After the song ended we decided to go. Since it was getting late. We got Rachel, Claire, and there dates and left. When we got in the limo I laid my head on Shawn's shoulder and ended up falling asleep.


Word count: 1066

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