Chapter 13

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Sorry for not updating. I've been busy reading books. I really hope you like this chapter even if I thought it was bad. This is soo short! Only 2000+ words.

Not edited.

PJO is not mine.

Chapter 13


But still, the sight in front of me and Artemis ( Artemis and I whatever) shocked us both to temporary speechlessness.

Sure, I was expecting big trouble the size of Void. This is trouble alright. I was expecting a giant or at least a primordial at least. Not two gods-sons of the wargod at that- looking as innocent as a baby. As I meet Bianca's startled gaze, I knew there woul be trouble. I'm just that cool.

Phobos and Deimos were just standing outside the porch of the sky-blue paired Big House I don't know why they called it the 'Big House'just because it's a three story mansion. It could be called the 'Quarters' (short for headquarters) or something like that. I never really understood why the government called the presidents home the 'White House' jut cause it's white. People this days lack creativeness.

Anyway, Phobos the god of fear was delicately perched on top of the railing while plucking dirt off his nails with a very sharp, very very bloody dagger. Deimos was standing respectfully next to Bianca and judging from Bi's face, he was hitting on her, subtly.

A question that I really wanted to blurt hovered on my tongue. 'why are they here?'. I haven't seem the double trouble since the time I helped Clarisse with the stolen chariot. I wasn't do fond of them then and definitely not now.

Back to the inevitable present.

Bianca's emotionless eyes lightened up with an idea. She abruptly stood up from one of her prized leather chairs and made her way towards us. I almost snickered, remembering a distant memory. Bianca has an odd obsession for leather things. Leather couches, clutch, headbands, I even saw a leather condom from her cupboard one day. It was almost as crazy as my blue food addiction that I still proudly have. Almost.

I was wretched out of my thoughts when something- a slim body -rammed into me. I watched in surprise as Melaina, the feared goddess of terror and fear happily hugged me with a smile on her face but it seemed like she was smiling for a different reason. She never let any boy hug her, aside from Nico and some very close friends.

I tried searching her mind but unfortunately, I came up with a blank. A powerful force was blocking me from her mind. I cursed internally. Damn you Chaos, damn you.

"Hi babe. Where have you been last night?"

Can someone pick up my jaw? It fell on the floor. That was officially the strangest thing I've eve heard coming from Bianca's mouth. I know something wasn't right.

'Thanks for stating the obvious', my ADHD mind said a bit sarcastically. Firstly, even if mauled, brainwashed and tortured, Bianca will never say something like that. The last time a Void tourist called her babe, she got angry and relived every single nightmare the poor teen had, showed him every torture technique she knew through telepathy and literally turned him into a pig. He was one of the pets, Babe the Pig.

I am definitely not exaggerating here. Bianca has become violent over the years. Maybe because of Hades' genetics and DNA in her or maybe it's just her. Lastly, Bianca's almost never sweet. She seldom shows affection towards sweet kids and friends, never a guy. I remembered that one time we went on to a rescue mission to another planet and a guy accidentally slapped her ass. She killed him. Did I forget to mention that the planet was specifically for the blind?

Bianca's musky and rosy scent engulfed my entire olfactory system. Her head barely reached my chin. After a minute of her hugging me one sidedly, she let go, reached up to her tip toes and gave my cheek a peck. What the...

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