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Hello my beautiful readers. I hope that you enjoy this story and fall in love with the dog as much as I have. On the side I have a picture of a puppy Bo, just so you can bask in cuteness <3 Now, I know this chapter is really short, but I promise as the time progresses and the years continue on, the chapters will continue to get longer and longer. <3 I love you all and please please comment anything you want. Criticism is always welcome and much appreciated.

~Taylor Marie


It was my birthday, I wish I could say that I remember this birthday but I don't really. I just remember all the stories people told me. I do, however, remember one thing. My first birthday present. "Happy first bithday Cali!"

Most kids for their first birthday get a bunch on new toys to learn how to use. Not me. I got a few week old border collie puppy. 

I didn't know what it was at all. Only that it was small and liked to play games with me. My parents had named him Bojangles but I couldn't pronounce that so I just called him Bo. 

Bo soon became my one and only playmate. I would sit my chubby little self down on the ground for hours and play with Bo. We were incredibly close from the moment that he had arrived at my door. 

I remember my parents training him as I sat in my swing and watched as my best friend learned how to sit and stay on command. Oh, and not pee in the house. That was important to my mother and father as well. Bo was incredibly smart and caught on to everything they were teaching him so fast.

I had started to get walking down as the year went on. Bo would stand beside me and I'd clutch on with my fat little hands to his fur and he would lead me around the house. 

We travelled everywhere together. I would toddle along beside him and he would take me to his water bowl, to his favorite toy, and we even liked to hang out in his kennel together. We had a password and everything. (It was a bark)

I grew quite a bit that year, but nothing compared to Bo! He nearly tripled in size from when we got him, but he was still my walking buddy. It was easier now. His long silky black and white fur was much easier to clutch onto now.

 He was still a very energetic boy though. He would randomly race off, leaving me falling down and starting to cry. Then he would creep back up to me and sniff me, as if to say ‘I'm sorry...let’s play again?’ with his tail wagging softly back and forth and a goofy grin on his face. 

Then we would repeat the whole process over and over again until I was too tired to move and Bo would flip down next to me with a sigh while I leaned against him.

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