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Preschool was starting. The first day I got all nice and ready, and was bouncing around everywhere, my hair in braided pigtails, with a plaid skirt and a black shirt with a picture of a kitty on it. My Lion King backpack was on my back and Bo was by my side. My mother rushed me around, getting me ready, and took our first day of school picture, me standing proudly next to Bo, smiling wider than ever before.

We started to climb in the car, Bo and I hurrying into the back. Once we arrived, Bo and I got out, but my mother stopped Bo, saying he couldn’t go to preschool with me because dogs weren’t allowed.

I started to cry. Preschool suddenly seemed like the worst thing in the world. How was I going to make friends? How was I going to survive without my best friend helping me through? My mother gently coaxed me into the school building, leaving Bo in the car, and sniffling, I followed her in, my hands clutching hers tightly.

At the entrance we said one last goodbye, and I gave her two bear hugs, one for her and one for Bo.

It wasn’t as bad as I had thought it was going to be. I made a few friends, but I missed Bo terribly every single day I went. Bo came with my mom every day to pick me up though, and when I would get to the car after a day, he would attack me with kisses and smacks in the face from his nonstop wagging tail. It didn’t always feel good but I didn’t mind. I loved everything about Bo.

I made a friend in preschool. His name was Noah and as it turned out, he lived a few houses down from us. He came over with his parents to my house one time for a playdate, and we saw a side of Bo we’ve never seen before. I would be playing with Noah, and he would get incredibly jealous of us and push Noah out of the way, making sure he was the only one that got attention from me.

After that we made sure to include Bo in everything. We never left him out. After Noah came over a few more times that year, and Bo learned to accept him as well. He didn’t growl at him, or push him out of the way anymore. Whenever Noah came over now, Bo would get excited and wag his tail, and attack him with puppy kisses and excitement. He became very accepting of Noah.

Noah was the only friend I made in preschool however. There were a few other kids that I talked to a bit, but mainly Noah and I hung out the entire day during preschool. We would draw pictures and make macaroni art. We made matching friendship bracelets out of macaroni with the help of our teachers. They were alternating, a blue macaroni, and then a red one. We also made one for Bo, much like a collar for him.


Yay! Finally starting school. School makes everything so  much more interesting ya know? 

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