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Kindergarten was a big year for me. Noah wasn’t in my class, and I was not exactly the most social of people. I would sit at my table and not really talk to anyone else, looking down and concentrating on drawing pictures of Bo. The girl next to me, who always came to school with her hair in pigtails, that sometimes were braided and sometimes not, noticed my pictures.

“Those are amazing!” She squeaked in her little five-year old voice. I would blush and thank her. Soon after that we became friends. Her name was Heather and she had dark brown hair and bright inquisitive brown eyes. I always thought they looked more caramel.

We were just beginning to learn how to read as well. I would come home and lay down, leaning against Bo and read to him. ‘Pat sat on a mat.’ ‘Pat was a cat.’ Stuff like that. And Bo would listen to me with complete interest, watching, never moving. He would just rest his large head on my lap as I read.

I got increasingly better at reading, and would always read aloud to Bo, who would always listen. He liked Heather a lot as well. She would come over and we would play with barbies and Bo would watch us, although he spent most of that time asleep. He was such a well behaved dog.

Noah would still come over for playdates as well. Since we weren’t in the same class we never got to see each other at school, except occasionally when we went outside for recess, but that wasn’t as often and we would have liked. Bo liked Noah more and more each time he would come over. It got to the point where I would say his name, and he would wag his tail and bark happily.

One thing I did not appreciate as much as I should have in kindergarten was nap time. During nap time Heather and I would play Where’s Waldo together and always get in trouble for talking and giggling. Our teacher loved us, however, so she would just scold us gently and let us continue playing our game.

We hatched chicks in our kindergarten class as well. I remember being super excited, being a major animal lover and all, and I would watch the eggs incubate all the time. I was the first to notice one was hatching. I told my teacher and we stopped class to watch it hatch. It was truly a magical moment watching the little tiny chick make its way out of the eggs so easily. A few days later we took the five baby chicks outside to let them run around. All of them kept running to me, probably because I spent all of my time watching them, naming them, and being the only person they really saw, so they probably thought I was their mother.

It was adorable, and I wanted to bring one home so badly, but sadly I wasn’t allowed to. Heather and I made it through Kindergarten together, and had a great time whilst we were at it.

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