The Thing

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You have heard it before,

Everyone runs.

They are being chased.

By a thing in the dark.

They might not see it,

But they tremble all over.

They dread being caught.

It's getting closer.

In a forest, they run.

Down the street, they run.

Across the field, they run.

Through the town, they run.

Then they wake up.

They are okay.

It was just a bad dream.

That thing has gone away.

It never existed.

It was never there.

But in your dreams.

You were trapped with it there.

It hunted you down.

But, it never got there.

You always escaped.

You always woke up.

But what will happen,

If you get caught?

Next time you sleep,

You might not wake up!

So next time you find yourself running,

Don't Stop!

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