Dave-Rose's Birthday

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The sun had barely risen when Dave-Rose decided to wake up and begin the birthday festivities. He also made the executive decision that it was time for the rest of the street to wake up too as he let out a high pitched squeal that wouldn't suggest it was his 14th birthday or that his balls had dropped.

Grahám groaned and yet again found himself almost wishing that he was still doing his GCSEs because at least it gave him an excuse to not talk to people and smoke weed.

He braced himself as the sound of Dave-Rose's feet skipping along the hallway got closer and closer before he burst in to the room. He ran over to the bed and flung himself on top of Grahám. Grahám almost considered this being worse than the time that he woke up to Damán pleasuring himself next to him at a sleepover.

"I love birthdays! Especially when they're mine. Did you know I've already had 10 messages on Snapchat wishing me happy birthday?" Dave-Rose announced proudly as he slid in to bed next to him.
"Wow" Grahám said not even attempting to sound interested. Although Dave-Rose didn't seem to pick up on this as he proceeded to wrap his arms around him in an attempt to give him a hug. Grahám awkwardly patted him on the head in return.

Suddenly the door burst open for the second time that morning, quickly followed by a bright flash of light which made Grahám briefly consider God's existence and his parents shouting "SAY CHEEEEESE" as they took the photo. Eyes streaming, Dave-Rose still hugging him, Grahám yet again found himself questioning the reason for his existence.

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