Chapter 2

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On my way back downstairs I heard Ella and Sunny talking in Spanish. Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to listen to their conversation.
"Estas segura que si se sabe protejer Sonia?"
"Si quando estuvo quon Alexandra antes de que la mataran se ensenio a tirar cuchillos, usar una pistola, y quomo peliar."
"Ok pues porque para esta vida tiene que saber."
"Nomas ten quidado quon ella. A sufrido mucho y no le tiene quonfiansa a los hombres."

Deciding I had heard enough I walked into the living room before they could say anything else and made my way over to them. We talked about how much I like the room.It was designed to look like an old sketch me and Alxandra did. Soon it was time to say goodbye to Sunny.

Me and Sunny said our goodbyes. After 14 years with her I cant believe we wont be seeing eachother on a daily basis any more. On her way out she yelled at Ella "Dile a el huefe que ya yego y que me la quide mucho. Y tu hermana estaria vien orguyosa de ella."

I wonder what she meant by that. As soon as we walked in I questioned Ella.

"What did she mean mean by tell the boss that Im here already? Why does he need to take good care of me? And most importantly why did she say that your sister would have been proud of me? I asked Ella all at once.

Soon after I finished asking questions she went ahead and told me the story of how she and her fiancé are in a gang. And me being part of her family know means that I am put under automatic protection of the gang. Since I am apperantly really special the boss needed to be notified of my arrival right away because i need to be safe at all times. At first I didnt believe her and started laughing. Then she showed me her gang tatoo witch was a single black fose on her hip with the name Toreto eligntly written in cursive in place of the leaf. She then showed me her gun which had the same name written they same way on the barrel of the gun. I didnt bother to make any concections to the name because I didnt think it was important.

Then she told me about how my mom was her sister. She said that she was 12 or 13 years when she saw my mom get murdered in front of her. That would make her 10 years older than her. I once again didnt believer her. She then pulled out some ole letters and pictures of my mom. On the outside I looked like I was fine but  I knew that I was a couple seconds away from breaking down and crying because I never had thse chance to meet my parents. As I made my way to the stairs to go to my room she told me that she knew my dad wasnt dead. That was they final straw. I quickly ran upstairs and to my room and completely broke down.

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