Chapter 3

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The first 2 weeks after Ella told had told me that my mom was her sister and that she knew my dad wasnt dead I spend them in my room avoiding her as much as possible. As I finally finished coming to terms with everything I decided to go out to the kitchen and sit down at to eat breakfast with Ella and her fiancé for the first time.

As we were sitting down to to begin to eat her fiance walked in. He was honestly the last person I expected it to be. It was Jason "The Big Bad Wolf" Alverez. The Big Bad Wolf was his under ground name.

"Oh my fucken god what are you doing here Black Angel?" He said. Black Angel was my under ground name.

"Well I could ask you the same and Im living with my aunt Ella."
"Well Im marring Ella so we live together and it looks like Im your uncle now."

Ella didnt say anything as we caught up over breakfast. I hadnt seen Jason in about 5 months. Breakfast went by fast. Soon we were all in the living room with Ella who finally decided to ask questions.

"How do you know eachother and why do you have an underground name Faith?"

I quickly told her the story of how I was a racer and fighter. Then I told her how me and Jason had met at one of my first races. By the time I had finished they had to leave to an important meating with their boss.

After they left I decided to use that time to unpack my small duffle bag that was sitting in the back of my closet. There were some pictures from when I was younger. There were also some drawings and sketches I made with Alexandra along with all my lip rings and belly rings. Towards the bottom were some boxes. One had my set of throwing knifes and handgun while the other had my lock picking kit, laptop, and other small tools. There as also a wooden box I dont remeber packing. On the lid it had the name Toreto elagantly engraved along with an intricate design. There was some paper working having to do with a house that was legaly put under my name there was also paper work for both a credit card along with a bank account. Both papers had the cards attached. At the bottom there was some pictures of im guessing my my mom and my dad. There was also a letter addressed to me. I carefully took it out and read it.

Dear Faith,
My name is Dylan Toreto. You don't know me but Im your dad. I had to leave you when you were 3 because you were in danger because of me. Giving you away was the safest option there was at the time. Giving you up was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I know you might not want anything to do it me but give me a chance please. I have been to all your fights and races. If you decide to give me a chance I will be at your house on July 28 the day of your birthday at 11:30pm. I hope you come.

Your dad

P.S the address to your house is on the ownership documents

I didnt know what to think after that. I went to the one place were I let out my emotions. The Under Ground gym. It looked like the Black Angel was making an unexpected return.

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