~Chapter One~

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Dipper's P.O.V

I sat in the crowded bus, staring out the window. School had ended a few days ago, and my parents had decided to send me off to my great uncle Stan for the summer. I didn't know much about him, mostly because he lived all the way in Oregon. I was relieved that school was over, no more homework, no more studying, and no more bullies. I didn't have any friends back in Piedmont, and when I thought I did, it turned out it was all fake, and so most of my life was spent alone, but I was hoping that all of that would change in Gravity Falls.

I sat back and started to imagine what Gravity Falls would be like. I imagined a beautiful and quiet town, filled with lovely people. I imagined Stan would probably be a nice, caring, person. The bus rolled to a stop at a small building with a sighn that read the Mystery Shack. My parents had told me that Stan owned a tourist trap called the Mystery Shack, this must be it. I grabbed my suitcase and walked off the bus. The building looked old and run down.

The bus drove away and I stood, waiting for Stan to arrive. I noticed something pulling on my suitcase, I turned to find a small brown goat chewing on it. I gently pulled on my suitcase, not wanting to hurt him, and the goat started to pull it away from me. I began shaking the suitcase gently until the goat finnaly stopped. I continued to wait for Stan to arrive. I heard a voice coming from the building, and I noticed a man with grey hair lead a group of people outside.

"And that is the end of our tour folks!" He said, as the tourists handed him their money." And remember, we put the 'fun' in 'no refunds'!" He said as the last customer left. He started to count his money. I slowly walked toward him." Twenty three...twenty four...twenty five..." He continued counting. I lightly tapped his shoulder.

"Um, excuse me sir." I said quietly.

" Twenty- Huh?" He stopped counting and turned toward me.

"A-are you Stanford Pines?" I quietley asked.

"Sure am." He pulled out a picture of himself and signed it." Here, I'm always happy to sighn autographs for my fans." He said as he handed the signed picture to me.

"I-I'm not a fan... I mean, that's not why I'm here, uh, my parents sent me to stay here for the summer...with you." I shyly responded.

"Ah, you must be Dipper." Stan said. I nodded." Well, welcome to the Mystery Shack, let me show you around." He said. I followed him to the gift shop. I noticed a man screwing in a lightbulb." Dipper, this is Soos, our handy man, Soos, this is Dipper." Stan introduced us. Soos finished screwing in the lightbulb and climbed down the ladder.

"Hello Dipper." He said as he put his tools back in his tool box.

"Hi." I responded. Stan led me to a cash register where a red head teenage girl sat reading a magazine.

"And this is Wendy, our cashier girl, Wendy this is Dipper." Stan introduced us. Wendy looked up from her magazine.

"Hi Dipper." She greeted. I shyly waved back. After a complete tour of the building, Stan lead me upstairs to a messy room.

"This is where you'll be staying." He said. I walked to the bed and sat my suitcase down." Just make yourself at home, and by the way, you can work...right?" He asked.

"Yea...I guess." I responded.

"Okay, good." Stan said as he left the room. I unpacked my things and got settled in.

- So, there's the first chapter, I promise this book will get a LOT better. Also, the Dipper in this book is a little different from the dipper in the actual show, you'll see the difference. Don't forget to vote and/or comment!

Remember, reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold, bye!


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