~Chapter Two~

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Dipper's P.O.V

I finished unpacking my suitcase and walked downstairs. I wandered through a few rooms until I finally found the gift shop, where everyone was working. Wendy was still reading a magazine at the cash register and Soos was sweeping the floor. I stood in the corner of the gift shop and watched everything that was going on around me until Stan walked in, holding a bunch of signs." Dipper, since Soos and Wendy are busy, I was wondering if you could do a job for me." He asked.

"S-sure great uncle Stan." I responded.

"Good, I'll need you to hang these up around the forest." He said as he handed me the signs." And call me Grunkle Stan, Okay?" He added.

"Sure great- I mean Grunkle Stan." I responded. I left the Mystery Shack and traveled into the forest and began hanging the signs. The forest was so beautiful. It was quiet and peaceful, without a single person around. I was down to my last sighn. I pulled the nail up to the tree and hit it with my hammer. I noticed something was different. The tree sounded...weird. I hit the tree with my hammer again. I rubbed my hand on the tree, it was...dusty. I pulled on the side of the tree until it opened, revealing a switch area. I stared at it for a minute, debating whether I should pull the switch or not. I eventually decided to try it out. I pulled the switch and jumped as I heard something move behind me. I turned around and saw that a hole had appeared on the ground.

I walked to it and looked inside. There was a red book, with a golden six fingered hand that had the letter three on it. I picked it up and blew the dust and cobwebs off. I opened the journal and looked through it. It was filled with facts on the supernatural. I decided to keep it, whether the stuff in it was real or not. I walked back to the Mystery Shack, just as Wendy and Soos were packing up to go home.

"Hey Dipper, me and Wendy were gonna go to this place we just heard about. Its called the tent of telepathy, wanna come?" Soos asked.

"Uh...s-sure." I shyly replied.

"Alright, let's go!" Wendy said as she got in Soos' truck.

"Don't I need to tell great uncle- I mean Grunkle Stan where I'm going?" I asked.

"Naw, you'll be fine." Wendy said.

"Oh...okay then." I said as I hopped in the truck. We arrived to a gigantic blue tent with a star at the top.

"I'm pretty sure this is it." Soos said. We exited the car and walked into the tent. There where wooden benches set in front of a small stage. We sat down as other people walked in.

"So, Dipper, where are you from?" Wendy asked as we waited for the show to start.

"Uh... Piedmont, California." I answered.

"Ooh, California!" Soos said." I've always wanted to go there!"

"It must be great where you live." Wendy said.

"Well, it is... I guess." I shyly replied. The lights slowly turned off as the stage lights flashed on. All I could see was a shadow of a big tall figure behind the curtains.

- Who else Can't wait for the new episode Monday!!! Don't forget to vote and/or comment!

Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!


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