The invitation

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           "Look at this. I give you, the resonating chamber of a Velociraptor," I said in astonishment as I was getting the chamber out of the machine that makes replicas of the actual chamber.
    "Wow, Billy that's amazing, but I am afraid it's too late. Billy we are supposed to close up site in three weeks. I think our days of paleontology are over," said Dr.Grant while his eyes were getting teary probably because all his life's work is going down the drain. Looking at his sad, gloomy eyes made me feel the same way. Except I now something that he doesn't . Which is that the reason I made these is so that we can be up and running in no time.
       "Hey Alan, don't worry. We'll find our way out of this big pickle. I promise," I said trying to assure both of us at the same time.
        All of a sudden a short,pale guy with black Maui Jim glasses walks into our tent.
      "Dr. Grant, Billy. My wife and I would like to invite you to dinner. It will be our treat," said the mysterious man politely.
       "I'm sorry I am very tired because I am a very busy man"-
       "We'd love to," I said because this could be our chance to get some big money.
    "Great. See you at 7:00 at Buffalo Wild Wings," said the mysterious man kindly." Oh and my name is Paul Kirby from Kirby Enterprise," said Mr. Kirby very hesitantly.
"He hesitated. Do you think he's lying," I asked curiously.
"Nah. I think it's just the way he acts when he's around new people like us. Anyway it's 6:30, and I think we should just start heading to Buffalo Wild Wings." We get out of the tent the sun starts kissing us like a mom welcoming her son who just came back from boarding school.
"Alan I think we should get in the car before we become the reddest tomatoes in the face of this planet," I said while trying to direct Alan to the car since I was the one who used it last. So when we finally found my black, Toyota truck that was covered in mud and sand , we opened it and a cool rush of AC air filled and surrounded my body.
"This feels just like putting aloe Vera after getting sun burned," chuckled Alan. Man I have not seen that smile ever since he found out that we had to close up shop forever. I look at his face to see more joy, but instead that smile fades away probably because of the same thing that I thought about.
         "We should get going now," I suggested. So off we went to Buffalo Wild Wings to have dinner.

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