The crash

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       "Wow. We went this quick to Isla Sorna. Why? Couldn't this wait a day or two," I asked to the Alan.
       "I don't know. They said it was urgent though," yelled Dr. Grant since the start of the engine of the plane was so loud. Then I could feel the plane starting to lift me up into the beautiful blue sky. Once in the air it could smell, hear, and see both sides of the magnificent Atlantic Ocean. I could feel the adrenaline rush spreading through my body. I was fearful because of the terrible stories Alan told me, yet I was excited to see these beautiful creatures finally up close!!!!
    As I turned around I could see Alan shaking from head to toe. He was sweating all over his body, and his eyes were wide open in fear.
     "Alan your not scared are you," I said curiously.
     "Pssht. No," Alan replied sarcastically.
      "Yeah right," I replied. I looked at the pilots and they looked very busy pressing buttons and what-nut. But what made me uneasy was that the radio kept saying that we were in restricted air space, and that we didn't have permission to fly here.
     "Alan, I thought they had permission to fly here," I asked. There is something fishy going on here,"doesn't this feel kind of suspicious," I added.
      "Sorta," he commented. Man I have dark pools under my eyes, and my eyelids feel heavy.
       "Alan, I am going to take a nap," I yawned while stretching my arms as far up as I can." Wake me up when we are getting near," I said while getting myself in a comfortable position. Then I stayed there as I felt sleep tugging me. I didn't resist so it consumed me. Then it was pitch black.
      My eyes started opening, and it took a while for my eyes to adapt to the brightness. When my eyes adjusted we were still in the air, but this time I was alone. I looked for the pilots, but all I saw were skeletons all over the plane. Mrs. Kirby's, Mr. Kirby's,Lexie's, the pilots Udesky, Nash, and Coopers, but I couldn't find Alan's. Then something caught my eye. I quickly turned next to me and there was a........... VELOCIRAPTOR!!!!
      "Billy," screeched the velociraptor,"Billy," it continued. Then it put it's claws!!
      A gasp escaped me. I was a ball full of sweat. My heart was pounding rapidly, and I couldn't control my breathing.
     "Hey, you ok," said Alan in a worried voice.
"Yeah," I said while still trying to get my bearings.
"Anyway, we are finally here," he said.
I quickly turned to my left, and I could see a whole herd of Brachiosaurus. Then a whole heard of Stegosaurus to my right.
"Permission to land here, sir," asked
Mr. Udesky.
"No. First we circle the island, and then we land-"
"No we can't land here," screamed Alan cutting off Mr.Kirby
"But Dr. Grant we have to land here," tried to explain Lexie .
"No we-"
That's when Alan was smacked in the head with a book called the Odessy really hard. Alan's eyes were rolling into his head, and he sank down to the ground. Lexie looked at me with her pretty little eyes, and was reading my mind. She knew exactly what I wanted to do. She helped me pick up Alan, and we placed him gently on a gray, and leather seat.
       "So Lexie, do you like anybody," I asked nervously.
       "I do have my eye on someone," she says.
        "Oh, well. I hope he likes you back," I said sadly. Dang, someone already stole that pretty girls heart. Then I could see the land getting closer. When we finally hit land everyone rushed out of the plane.
   Then I looked next to me, and Alan was just opening his dark brown eyes . They looked at me in fear.
    "Hey, it's ok," I said trying to calm him down.
    "Where are we, Billy?" He asked me curiously,"Huh? Billy please tell me we didn't land," he said fearfully. My expression gave the answer away.
    "I think they're looking for someone," I responded. Alan and I rapidly got off the plane. All I could see were green trees,I could smell the fresh air mixed with disgusting fresh blood.
     I turned around looking for Lexie, just to make sure she's safe.
     "Eric," yelled Lexie through the megaphone.
    Then I could see men like Cooper and Nash setting up a perimeter, but in a place like this there is no such thing as safe.
     "Eric," Lexie yelled again.
  "That's a bad idea," I said to Lexie.
"WHAT?!?" Lexie yelled loudly. The only way to get her is if I get a hold of her. So I swiftly ran over to her, and embraced her as hard as I can. She was thrashing her body.
    "What are you doing," she screamed while kicking very hard on my shins.
     "Let go of ME," she screamed even louder in my ears. Then my left eye started stinging and turning red since she poked my eye while she was flailing  her arms around.
"Did you hear that?"
The ground was shaking, and everything went silent. Thump! This time the noise was getting closer. Thump! Even closer. So close that we could here Cooper's gun shots.
"Spinosaurus," I was whispered to Alan. Then I looked at him, and his face expression gave the answer away. YES!!!!
    "Everyone!! Get back on the plane," yelled Alan . Once he said that everyone was sprinting to the plane.
   Everyone was getting in one by one: Nash, Udesky, Mr. Kirby, Mrs. Kirby, Lexie, Alan , and Me. Wait! There is somebody missing. But who? I know now. It's Cooper!
   "Hey! What about the other guy?!"
"Cooper, he can handle himself very well on his own," Udesky said in a very hurried voice.
    Once we were all in the plane everyone tried to calm themselves down, but they all failed.
   "Can't you start the stinking plane now," screamed Lexie
    "Today Udesky!!!!
"I am trying," yelled Udesky because the plane wasn't turning on.
"Who has the satellite phone," steamed  Nash.
"Oh, I do. Here," remembered Mr. Kirby.
  You could hear the noise of the engine struggling to get back on.
    "Turn on," yelled Udesky,"yes!!!! Finally!!!"
   When the plane started we went full speed,but we were still on the ground. Then all of a sudden a little spec ran on to the runway. I think it's. Oh no.
   "Hey is that Cooper," questioned Lexie. That is exactly who I thought it was.
  "Get out of the way Cooper!!!
When I looked at him he had a wounded arm, and blood all over himself. I felt sorry for him not only because he's hurt, but because we have to leave him.
Then all of a sudden jaws of a Spinosaurus clenched Cooper, and put his body inside it's gigantic, and bloody mouth!! Blood sprayed, and gushed all over the window blocking the pilots view. Glass is shattering, and getting in people's face. People are screaming. There are hard bumps everywhere.
Then everything goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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