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Hey guys this is my first story on here!!! I'd love for some feed back on my story and and comments are welcome. Hope you enjoy!

The club was covered in a cloudy haze. Every where you looked there was drunks stumbling and hot sweaty people grinding on each other. Damien looked over the top of his glass at the crowd in disgust. Everything about this place said cheap from the people to drinks. He had been waiting for twenty minutes and Carson had still not shown. He ordered another another beer from the scantily clothed waitress who was obviously flirting with him but girls were the last thing on his mind, tonight was all about business. He checked his designer watch and it said 11:35. Carson was over thirty minutes late and just as Damien was about to make a very angry phone call the middle of the dance floor started to slipt and a tall blond walked through.

As Carson walked through as people scrambled to get out of his way. Guys stared at him in fear and envy, girls with fear and lust. Carson was 6'2 with Sandy blond hair, almost neon green eyes and a body that said he said he worked out 7days a week. He was definitely a pretty boy. Damien differed in looks though. He was a little tanner than Carsons with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He was just as tall with a similar build long and lean but packed with muscle. But everything about Damien said to not mess with him. He had an air of seriousness around him many perople didn't tangle with.

Carson walked to the booth Damien was sitting in and sat down across from him. "What took you so long to get her we have business to attend to we don't have all night" Damien said finishing his drink. "I got detained ran into some unwelcome friends down the street" "how many?" Damien said seriously. Carson gave Damien a wore out look " only one this time thankfully". "Their numbers are growing something is coming and we need to be prepared." Dampens phone went off and and he looked at his text message "East 48th street the crew needs us there." They both stood up at the same time and Carson cracked his knuckles and smiled "time for business".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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