Chapter 7

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Raven's POV

"Morning." I hear him say and turn over only for my neck to throb in aggravating pain.

"Fuck you." I groan while walking to bathroom.

Examining myself, I see the mark Ivan made last night and fell in love. It was so... exotic?

"Luna's marks are unique, its like henna tattoos but better in a sense." I hear him say and remember why I was in pain.

"I didn't ask for this thing."

"Thing?" He asked pissed at my poor choice in words.

"Yes thing. And I'm not your fuckin Luna!" I growled walking towards him.

Grabbing me by my arm Ivan pressed me against the shower door, eyes a dark grey.

"I don't ever want to hear that come out of your mouth ever again, understood?"

Growling out of anger I pushed his chest trying to get him off of me.

"I said do you understand?" He asked again authority in his voice, making my sex throb in desire.

Biting my lower lip I look into his eyes to see his wolf was out and making himself known.

Lowering his head to my neck, he kissed around my mark making it throb in pain.

"Ivan, your hurting me." I whisper trying to wiggle out of his tight grip. Just as he let my hands go, he grabbed my thighs lifting me off the ground.

"I'm sorry." I hear him mumble between kisses and sighed.

A knock at the door made me jump to my senses.


"I'll be out in a minute." Ivan yelled leaning his head on my shoulder.

"I love you Raven, don't ever forget that." Was the last thing he said to me before hopping in the shower, then heading off to his training.


"Raven, would you do me a favor and run to the grocery store for me. The pack is having an anniversary party for Ivan's 6th year of being alpha and we have nothing." Former asked me handing me a long piece of paper.

"Um sure. When's the party?"

"Today." He said and hurried out of the room before I got a chance to respond.

Grabbing my keys I headed to the MULTIPLE grocery stores that were listed.


"Is that all for you today?"


"Raven?" The cashier asked while I handed him the 100 dollar bill.

"Quinton?" I asked actually taking a look that the man before me.

"Wow, I didn't know you were back!" He said walking up to hug me.

Quinton was my best friend. When news about my banishment went around he found my number and called me crying his eyes out about how me missed me already.

"I came back about three weeks ago, I wasn't planning on staying this long."

"Are you going back anytime soon?" He asked curiosity in his eyes.

"Um, I don't plan on leaving for a while. But I do wanna go back."

"Are you doing anything this evening?"

"I'm attending Ivan's anniversary party tonight, you going?"

"Yeah I'll go, but only under one condition." He said smirking.

"And what is that?"

"You and I go eat breakfast at the local Denny's up the road there tomorrow morning to catch up on lost time?" He asked and I smiled because every Saturday we would eat breakfast at that Denny's before I left.


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