17. Phone Call

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I didn't expect that spending a day with Sophia will become this really fun. We shopped some new clothes, we shared each other's tastes in fashion and hair. Sophia even got a new haircut earlier when I told her that making it a bit shorter would make her look more younger and glowing. Turns out that she agrees with me thanked me for the great advice.

I feel kind of guilty whenever I would pay something I like while we were shopping. Spending Harry's money for me is too much.

Sophia even teases me that it's okay too spend my daddy's money and all those dirty jokes she keeps on saying. I didn't even thought that Sophia could actually say something like that, behalf of her respected looks. I really enjoyed being with her.

"Hmm. It's so random huh? You know being here in a mall with you on a very hot sunny day. . ." Sophia chuckles, slowly shaking her head with a wide grin. "Like, I don't know. Not gonna lie, I just met you and I also admit that I already trust you but don't you think these things sounds crazy?"

We were now here at a small cafe called, Te Amo. The smell of the Italian dishes makes my heart melt in pleasure and happiness. The majority of the smell of the delicious coffee that they serve, surrounded the whole cafe. I have always love Italy. Italy will always have a special place here in my heart.

I furrowed my eyebrows looking at her with a confused look on my face. "It is a whole lot of a crazy ride. But I prefer having these things than what I usually have in real life." I confessed.

It's true though. Besides of Harry being a complete jerk and a very sweet gentleman at the same time, I still think that the few days that I met him is still quite dreamy for me. I have never met a guy who could talk to me for hours and make me feel special without even trying. Harry is different.

Living my life under the dark with all of the party lights, wines, drinks, drugs, and drunk people. I have never met a guy like Harry. Usually, guys will like me and flirt with me because they needed me. They need my body. But with Harry? It's not. I know because I feel it. He's quite hard to read but I know he can't do that.

Sophia smiles. "Why?" She asks. "What's up with your life? I bet you're having a good time being a teen with your age. Especially with these parties you know. . . It's been a thing for everyone I guess."

"Um, no actually." I bit my lip looking down at my coffee. I sighed,"I have always thought that my life is perfect. It's all fun and games for me. Parties have been my life for the past few years. Crazy but I would be lying if I told you that it's not addicting. But after those things, It was nice to have a short kind of break from that kind of 'fun' even if I didn't planned to be here."

She nods at me while taking a sip to her orange juice.

"It was nice to have a short break from those things." I smile, finally looking up at him.

"I see." She hums. "So you're like surrounded by people who likes to party?"

"Yeah." I answered shortly.

I laughed at myself. Slightly feeling the embarassment inside of me. I don't want to make Sophia think that I'm just another teenager who only knows how to party and get drunk. There's more about me. And yes, I am really ashamed but as soon as I get back, I'm going to change for the better.

"You know . . . you could stay with Harry as long as you want." She spoke and that made my eyes widen with suprise. "You have nothing to worry. Harry is a nice guy. He's a bit hard to get into somtimes but I bet he'll don't mind if you want to stay there a bit longer. It seems like you enjoy being in the forest for a while now."

God knows how I really wanted to stay there for good. I'm way too scared for the reality that is waiting for me as soon as I go home. Zayn is the main reason why I am here with Sophia on the first place. He's the reason why my car is trapped there. I'm still finding my way on how I'm going to get rid off Zayn even though I know to myself that it was impossible.

My body thinks that something is gravely wrong, but my body doesn't have a clue about it, so it starts racing to the worst possible conclusions.

Zayn gave me anxiety. After all of the physical and emotional abuse, I don't think that I can be able to be more nervous towards life even more. People think that I'm that confident girl every night, wearing high heels with a face covered in full glam and makeup. But that's not me. It's the girl I wanted to be. I just . . . faked it.

This is one of the most frustrating things about having an anxiety disorder. Knowing as you're freaking out that there's no reason to freaked out. But lacking the ability to shut the emotion down.

Out of nowhere, Sophia's phone suddenly ring. She immediately grabbed her phone on her right side of the table before she reads the name of the caller. I took a sip into my coffee as she says hello to the call.

"Yes babe?" Sophia answers cheerfully but then immediately frowns. "Oh - Why are you using his phone? - What? - What do you mea - Calm down geez."

She looks at me and I mouthed her asking on what's going on and Sophia answered with a slight roll of her eyes, "It's Harry."


I'm a bit curious into why Harry used Sophia's boyfriend's phone but I just decided to myself to just shrugged it off and let them talk. It's probably not my business to just butt in with their conversation.

I ignored all the confused looks of Sophia while talking to Harry as I let my mind wander if what's going to happen to me if I go home with Zayb being around.

Why did he come back? Did he cone back for me? To apologize for all of the things that he did wrong? Of course. Who am I kidding? Zayn will never do that. He is a one of a hell crazy man.

He's dangerous.

I always said to myself that sometimes we need to forget some people from our past. Because of one reason . . . They just don't belong in our future.

But the thing with my situation was, my past keeps hunting me back on purpose. I tried to forget and move on but the past is the one who keeps on pinning me down on the ground. It was so difficult.

"Alexa. . ." Sophia calls me, ripping me out of my thoughts. "Harry wants to talk to you."

I nod, slowly reaching for the phone in her hand. This might be important. Why would Harry wanted to talk to me? Maybe he just wants to know what I'm doing as a friend. I have no idea. Is Harry even my friend? That's what I have to find out next.

I cleared my voice before speaking, "Yes, Harry?"

His calm, quite in a whisper deep tone came to my ears making me shiver.

"Zayn is here and he is finding you."


Oh hey! I'm back. I'm sorry if this chapter took for like ages. I just feel like people don't appreciate this book a lot that's why I dont have the urge to update it lol. But thankyou for some of you of loves it. Thankyou guys.

Happy reading! 😊

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