Chappy 2 // He's Much More Fuzzy-Looking On Skype

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"Harry Styles, right?" I asked, my hands still slung over Lux's crib, unmoving.

Harry grinned, his dimples deepening as he does so. "Yes...Fan?"

"No, I only know your name cause my sister is your stylist," I replied, feeling weirdly calm. Here I am, speaking to a celebrity half of my school drooled over, and I'm telling him I'm not his fan. Good going. "And I don't exactly live under a rock, just so you know."

"Wait - you're the Alexis Teasdale?" He leaned closer to the screen, his grin still intact. "Lou's been rambling on about how she wants you to be her-"

"Make-up slave, I know," I cut him off, groaning.

He chuckled. "Well, I wouldn't exactly say that, but whatever helps you sleep at night."

I inspected him closer - his curls that fringed around his forehead, his eyes, his stretched lips. A friend of mine, Cynthia, had once showed me a picture of Harry Styles in a magazine. He was attending a premiere, and had a black suit on. His curls were more prominent and his eyes had a closed, guarded look, but nonetheless, he looked exactly the same. Just that, you know, he's a bit fuzzy-looking, considering he's on Skype.

"Search my name on Google and save a picture," he teased, jolting me out of my reverie. "That'll last longer."

"You know, you somehow resemble Mick Jagger," I commented, ignoring his remark.

He plunged his hands into his curls and began to toss them around. He shook his head a few times, then whipped his head back up. "You look kind of like Taylor Momsen," he said, studying my face.

"Yeah, if Taylor Momsen is whacked by a pinata and rolled over by a car, that'd be so me," I snickered, switching over to my native language a.k.a sarcasm.

Harry's eyebrows raised. "I see you have a dry, sarcastic humor."

"It's not always this dry. I just forgot to turn on the sprinklers."

"I get the feeling the sprinklers hadn't been turned on in a while," he said, keeping up with me.

I smirked, secretly startled but pleased that Harry Styles has a smart tongue and a sarcastic humor to match with. "Well, conserving water is important."

"In your case, I think you're conserving your pride," he shot back.

I laughed. "That's a good one."

"Can't think of a comeback?" he smiled triumphantly.

"I turned on the sprinklers. Dry season's over," I remarked, innerly delighted to find out about Harry's sarcastic side. Okay, so maybe I'm re-evaluating the whole tour stuff. If Harry's this fun, I bet the other boys would be too. But as soon as a picture of Yale university flashed through my mind, I immediately backpedal. I have to go to college - missing it is a huge black hole, and I can't afford to skip out on my studies.

"What are you thinking about? You look serious all of a sudden," Harry said, his voice breaking my train of sad, depressed thoughts of colleges.

I shrugged. "Nothing. I just can't believe Lou told you about the stylist assistant job stuff." An idea popped into my mind. "No...wait, I mean - I am so glad she told you that. Now you can help me convince her to cross me off the potential list of make-up slaves." I grinned and clapped my hands lightly.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "You're funny, different and you're truthfully not that bad once the sprinklers comes on." We both laughed at that. "And you're fun. So no questions - you have to take the job."

I peered at him in disbelief and marched closer to the computer. "Excuse me? Why are you on her side? Did I not make it clear that I'm not interested? Scratch that, why should I even go?"

"Because I need you," a voice popped up from behind, and my heart leaped to my throat. I jumped around, shocked, resting my palms against the desk for support.

"Dammit, Lou, you gave me a heart attack." I fixed my glare at my sister's figure as she emerged into the room, carrying a suitcase behind her and a duffel bag in another.

Lou rolled her eyes. "Exaggerate much?" She wheeled the red suitcase and rested it in front of me, dropping the duffel bag along with it. "These are your stuff for tomorrow."

I blinked hard, glancing down towards the suitcase and the duffel bag, then alternating towards Lou. An alarm slowly started to ring inside my head, sensing something wrong. "Tomorrow...?"

"Management called, said I was needed there earlier to fix up some make-up disaster, pronto," she explained.

My brain couldn't comprehend - yet. "And it has to do with me because...?"

She grinned a big smile, enthusiasm radiating off her. "Plane's at 7 a.m, and you're coming with me for the tour."

Hey, lovelies! Hope you are enjoying this - thank you so much for the vote, you know who you are. ;) Thank you for reading. :) See you next Saturday, and kisses - I love you all. You're the best ever. Like, no joke .xx

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