Chappy 5 // I Don't Think Normal People Communicate Through Walls

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"But Louuuuu," I protested, tugging at her scarf.

She moved my hand away. "Hey, not my scarf!"

"I thought you hated it," I replied, shooting her an irritated look.

"Well," Lou shrugged. "I'll be going now."

"Lou, you're seriously leaving me alone with these-" The door slammed before I could finish my sentence. Annoyed, I landed a punch on the door, before exhaling a huge sigh.

"Where's Lou?" Liam sauntered up to me, leaning over to open the door and peer out.

I sighed. "Like the awesome sister she is, she left me alone to deal with you immature guys for, like, three days." I folded my arms.

Liam scoffed, a grin on his face as he shut the door. "I'm not immature. I'm Daddy Direction."

"Oh please," I snickered. "Says the guy who pulled down Harry's pants and lifted up Niall and Harry's shirts."

He raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were a sarcastic anti-fan."

"Not anti-fan. Just normal. And that's one of the cons of having friends who are crazy about you guys," I laughed, whipping out my phone and starting up a new text: "I MET ONE DIRECTION HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no really." Then I pressed 'Send to All'. I can just imagine their faces going slack, their mouths open...oh, who am I kidding, they'll think I'm lying anyway. I do that a lot.

Liam gestured to me. "Cmon, let me show you around."

I followed him through a high-ceilinged hallway, crisp air and walls with writings on it. There were four doorways that connected to the hallway, and at the end, there was a wooden staircase with a silver railing, U-curved, leading up to the second floor. I neared the wall, fascinated by the messy loops of what I assume to be of the boys' handwriting. "ZAYN DONT HOG UP THE MIRROR" is scrawled on top of a fern potted plant. "THESE BOYS = ANIMALSSSSS" which was then answered by a jagged note "WE DA ANIMAL GANG CLUB". The one I deemed my favorite was: "PET UNICORNS MUST INMEDIATELY BE KEPT INSIDE THE STABLE ON THE 69TH FLOOR BEFORE ENTERING." A neat note was tucked in, barely visible if it wasn't for Liam pointing it out saying it was his favorite one: "Enjoy the rollercoaster that is life while you still can aha :)x".

"Wow." I raised my hand to trace the writings. Some looked jaded and old, but the ones on the farthest end seemed fresh new. They used different-colored markers, and some notes overlapped each other, which projected an image of cannonballs splashing against the walls - paint all around, messy, beautiful. "This is an amazing idea. How are you gonna cover these up?"

"Repaint," Liam shrugged. "Louis started this. One night, we dared him to keep quiet for ten minutes and he started to write on the wall cause he said he can't stand not communicating."

"Sounds like Louis, alright," I said, casting my eyes on the writings one last time before turning on to Liam, who was rooted to the same spot, still staring at the notes. "You shouldn't consider being a tour guide, really."

He grinned sheepishly as he saw that I was already making my way into the first doorway. "This is the kitchen," he trailed behind me.

"You don't say?" I teased before surveying the place. Wooden cupboards, a circular white table, food spilling out on the counter, tiles, paintings up on the wall and a fridge plastered with sticky notes. There was a homy, cozy look that made it instantly warm and inviting. Not to mention all the fooooood.

Then Liam showed me the living room, the two bedrooms, the bathrooms and the game room. The game room was instantly my favorite place - a computer, video games, a stereo, Wii, beanbags at the corners, a Playstation, a mini bar. Damn, this rocks.

Then he led me back into the living room, where the boys were all flopping on the couch, lazing around.

"What's up wifey?" Louis lolled his head back, resting against the armrest and flashing me a wide smile.

I rolled my eyes but smiled a little. It's hard not to when Louis' around. He's like a magnet. "Why don't you go look yourself? Maybe its the ceiling."

"New nickname for you," Harry spoke up, his head tilting a bit towards me from his position on Louis' lap. "Mrs. Smartass."

"You mean 'Ms'," I corrected him, glancing around to look for a place to sit on. Niall scooted over and patted the spot next to him, as if sensing my thoughts. I sat down next to him, not minding the way his whiff of cologne smelled or how close we were that his elbow was lightly touching my waist.

Harry flickered his eyes towards us. "No, its 'Mrs'."

"'Ms'," I demanded. "There is no way whatsoever I'm gonna be a 'Mrs'."

Louis protested, "I thought you're my wifey! Don't leave me like that!"

"Well, hubby, I'm suffering from a case of amnesia, so I don't know for sure whether you really were the one I swore my vows to, or you're just a random perverted guy," I shot back, biting my lip from giggling at the silliness of it all. I hate giggles. They're so...girlish.

Zayn beat me to it, laughing. "Get married already!" He chuckled, but stopped when Louis and I shot a glare at him. He surrendered up his arms. "What? It's not my fault you guys bicker like an old couple."

I replied with a firm, "We don't" at the same time Louis answered playfully a "thank you". I whirled around to face him. "What was that?" I directed him a glare.

"Nothing, nothing, oooh I'm scared," he mocked, giving me a lazy grin before fixing his attention back to his phone.

I rolled my eyes. Beside me, Niall asked, "So is it a 'Ms' or is it a 'Mrs'?"

"Mrs," Harry said, a mischievous smile on his face as he poked his tongue out at me. Childish.

I folded my arms, locking my gaze on Harry. "I can't get married if I don't have a boyfriend, now can I?"

Liam, who was busy fiddling with his phone earlier on, joined in the conversation, setting his cell aside. It seemed like he was done texting the person. "You don't?"

"No," I shrugged. "Never had one. Never felt the need to have one. So."

Harry's eyes were glinting when we interlocked eyes again. "Why are you looking at me as if you're about to pull a prank on me...?" I cautiously asked, drawling out each word.

He grinned. "Oh, nothing. Just shocked when I knew you didn't have a boyfriend."

"Yeah, you do look pretty, what with your brunette hair and hazel eyes. I would've thought you've gone out with a lot of guys," Niall complimented again, and I swatted his arm.

"Stop exaggerating boy," I said, scoffing, but feeling a little pleased inside to know that not all the boys were immune to me after all.

Niall laughed. "I wasn't. Exaggerating, I meant. Believe me, it's all true."

I looked into his blue eyes, scoring to find a hint of lie, an uncertain tingle, anything to prove him wrong. But there was only cheerfulness as he stared firmly back at me. Seconds passed and it felt like we were in a staring contest, so I held on my gaze, not wanting to lose. Niall made a funny face. My insides started to tremble, wanting to laugh so bad, but I clamped my mouth shut and stifled a laugh as I pulled a face back at him.

Harry suddenly cleared his throat and we all turned to look at him. "Hey, Louis just suggested that we have a movie night! How about that?"

Louis paused in his typing and looked up at Harry, his eyebrows scrunched up and his expression confused. "What? Harry, I didn't-"

Giving him a sharp glance, Harry then looked up again. "So the plan is, Liam, Niall and I are gonna go rent the movie. Alex, Zayn and Louis can set things up and maybe make popcorn or stuff."

"Yeah, okay, seems like a cool idea."

"I'm in!"

"Can we watch Mean Girls?"

"No, Zayn."


Speechless over the 1000+ reads and 80+ votes. All I can say, and keep on repeating, is: thank you, thank you, thank you. This whole story is dedicated to all of y'all who read, voted and commented on my story, because you are so beautiful and perfect and I just.

I hope this keeps on growing, I seriously am one lucky girl to have met you all. I love you, and this story, along with my heart, is for you.

Ain't got enough words to explain my happiness right now, so thank you again!!!

P.S I'm gonna get married to cheese pizza tomorrow, wanna come to the wedding? Free refreshments ;)

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