Chapter 9 : Caught in The Act and That Awkward Talk

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"You are so lovely," Henry whispered in Cath's ear as they were kissing on the couch in Cath's house.

She was still 'under house arrest', so she couldn't go to the beach nor the mall. Cath decided to take Henry home since Dylan wouldn't be there until late at night.

"Aww," Cath said, slightly blushing. Dylan kissed her lips gently.

"Eww guys get a room," Maddie said, scrunching her nose in disgust as she walked to the kitchen.

"Jealous much, Mads?" Cath retorted.

Maddie peeked her head out from the kitchen. She looked like thinking for a moment and shook her head, "Nah... I'm happy being single," she said and her head disappeared from the kitchen's doorframe.

"You know that your brother could get in through that door in any second, right?" Maddie asked, pointing the front door of the house. She walked back to the living room with a glass of orange juice in her hand.

"So?" Cath asked in her 'I-don't-care' tone.

"Don't tell me I didn't warn you," Maddie said, climbing up the stairs to her room.

"Maddie is right cupcake. Your brother could barge in at any second now," Henry said, trying to get up from his seat, but Cath stopped him from doing so by grabbing his waist.

"Oh come on. He won't be back until late night. He told me so," Cath whined and shot him puppy dog eyes, "Stay with me please."

Henry couldn't resist her puppy dog eyes, so he said, "I guess ten more minutes wouldn't do any harm." Then he took his seat on the couch again. Cath snuggled into his arm and put her head over her broad chest. Henry gently stroke her hair. They stayed like that for a while. Just enjoying cuddling with each other.

"I love you cupcake," Henry said to her, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you more muffin," Cath said, looking up to him. Henry had been calling Cath 'cupcake' and she had been calling him 'muffin' as endearment since they were dating each other.

"Not possible," Henry retorted. Cath could feel his breath on her neck, making her giggle.

Cath leaned in and was about to kiss him when the front door flew open, revealing Dylan with his briefcase in his hand. He was gaping by the sight in front of him. Dylan looked clueless of what was happening between them right there in front of him. Henry and Cath quickly scooted away from each other.

"Dyl? What are you doing home? You said you wouldn't be here until late night," Cath asked, shocked by his sudden appearance.

Dylan ignored his sister, instead he asked Henry while glaring at him, "Mr. Patterson? What are you doing in my house?"

"Uh... I.. Umm..," Henry tried to answer, but he couldn't string his words up into a sentence. Not with Dylan glaring intensely at him.

"We are lab partners," Cath chimed in, clearly lying. Dylan diverted his gaze to Cath, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, sir. We are lab partners. We... Umm... We were just finishing up with our err.. assignment and I was just about to leave," Henry said haltingly, getting up. He was avoiding eye contact with Dylan.

Henry was about to walk away when Dylan caught his wrist. "Sit down Henry," he ordered, pointing toward the couch.

He awkwardly sat down back on the couch. "What were you two doing?" Dylan asked them.

"I told you we're lab partners!" Cath answered, raising her voice.

"First, lower you voice and second, what did I tell you about telling me lies?" Dylan asked her slowly in his low deep voice, making Cath flinched in her seat.

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