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~ Joanna ~

"Don't touch me" I yell yanking my arms away from Luke. I didn't say a word, I was in shock but I could finally speak. "Please don't be like this" Luke says sadly looking at me. I stand up and back away from him, I can't believe he would do this. "Luke you took me away, I thought you was supposed to be my friend...all because you was jealous" I spit out rolling my eyes. "That's not true, it's because I care about you" Luke spits out, standing up in front of me.

"Don't come near me, if you cared you would have been there like you have been, doesn't mean you take me away, from my BOYFRIEND, my friends and my mother!" I yell not caring about the people giving us strange looks as they walked by. "Calm down...people are looking" Luke says pushing his sunglasses up his nose to continue covering his face. "Calm down?!" I laugh while turning around. "Where are you going?" Luke says while running after me. I stop just as he reaches me, meaning Luke stops in his tracks and leans away a little. "Home. And far far away from you." I spit out and turn back around to walk again.

I walked quickly round the park trying to find the exit, I could hear Luke following behind me with his big footsteps but I kept going round in circles. I kept seeing the same kids, the same trees and the same stupid rock that stood in the middle of the pathway. "ERGH" I groan out loud and sit on the next green, wooden bench I find. I sat on the bench and shoved my face into my hands. I thought if I will ever go home, I can't even find the way out of a park.

I thought about how much I missed my mum, she probably didn't even know I was missing due to her shifts at work. I thought about Michael and how he was here somewhere along with my best friend. I wanted to be in his arms and kiss him, I felt empty and lost without him.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I felt the bench sink next to me, I slowly moved my hands away and saw Luke sitting beside me. I shook my head and stood up, walking away. "Joanna stop" I hear Luke yell but I keep walking. I would have kept walking but someone grabbed my arm from behind. I spin round and see Luke holding my arm tight. "Please" Luke says looking sad and worried. "No Luke, please leave me alone" I say feeling tears fall from my face, running away from Luke.

I heard Luke yelling after me but I kept running, my tears making my vision early. I was scared and lost, I had no idea how to get back home. I wanted to be back home, in my house, in my room, in my bed, with Michael. I missed my mum and when I got to see her when she finally came home from a long shift and we could sit down caching up after days without seeing each other. I missed Michael the most, he was my rock and even after everything I needed him, I loved him.

I kept running trying to find my way, this park kept seemed to get bigger and bigger. Everything looked the same and I was surrounded by happy people who had no idea what I was going through. I kept running until my chest felt tight from all the running and crying. I saw a big rock and I sat on it, again putting my face into my hands. My brain with swarming with thoughts, part of me wishes I stayed with Luke so he could have helped me find my way out of this god damn park.

I heard people walking past me, laughing and talking. I heard some people comment on me, obviously they could hear me crying. "What's that girl doing?", "do you think she's lost?" And "should we do something?". I had enough of hearing people comment on how sad I looked, I stood up and ran again. I kept running straight hoping that would give me a shot of finding my way out of this shitty place.

10 minutes later I gave up running. I had no idea where I was in this park and where the exit was. I was still surrounded by trees and people who just seemed to blur past me. 'What am I supposed to do' I think to myself as I push my face further and further into my hands. I kept thinking of a plan to get out of here, hearing people walk past me, still having no clue what was going on in my world.

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