Chapter 2

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My mates name was Ryder he had black was extremely tall and very hot. "Charlotte?" I whipped around at the sudden mentioning of me name. It was Ryder his warm breath still lingering in my neck. Our eyes connected his deep chocolate brown eyes so mesmerizing.


I looked into her a deep blue like the ocean as my inner wolf said MATE. I knew she knew that were mates and I could sense that she is a wolf to. We were so close about to kiss when my father intruded us. he knew and my flashed dark black and ran offa and went with her mother. There was something up with them. A sort of connection. I turned back around only to find that Charlotte had left. I went up and searched for her I looked around in all the rooms for a little bit before I found her in her own room. she was holding her knees and whimpering.


As soon as I saw his eyes turn black I ran upstairs to my hoping he wouldn't notice. I was up there for about 10 minutes before he found me. When he noticed me I let out a whimper. To be honest he kind of scared me. They his eyes turned so dark I wondered if he was going to harm me. he charged into my room. "Hi sorry about down stairs my dads irritates me occasionally but, I don't do anything violent. I promise." His words soothed me a little bit knowing that he wasn't going to hurt me, made me feel better. "Hello." I said. we got to talking. I didn't know that he was actually really sweet he was really nice and I liked him a lot. He made me laugh and I got to know him better. It was like 9 at night he was about to leave he hopped on my bed and was like an inch away from my face. I closed my eyes thinking he was going to kiss me. Instead he chuckled and said "I don't think you should do that just yet." He whispered his warm breath lingering in the air. Sending chills up and down my spin. He left my side went down stairs and left with his dad.


I wanted to kiss her so bad. Her pale face and plum pink lips but, my inner wolf would take control and I wouldn't be able to stop I would mark her and complete the mating process. A new image appearing in my head her and me naked making sweet love. I start to get turned on and let out a loud moan and, suddenly getting hard down there I need to take a cold shower and now. My father heard me moan I growled looking away from him. I hate the fact that we live right next door to her it's extremely awkward. "Guess what Ryder Charlottes mother her mate died a long time ago and so did mine...." he started to trail eyes his eyes getting misty my mom died when I was five in a car crash. "Anyways." my father continued. "since both are mates have passed on and were both single I am going to start seeing her." I looked at my dad he is going to put my through complete misery. "Were going out this Friday and her mom said that you guys should hang out so your going over to her." That's it I am going to kill him. What the hell was he trying to torture me does he know she's my mate. I looked at him with my jaw dropped open. "do you know she's my mate?" I asked my father anger rippled in my throat. he smiled and said "I know that's why I did it." I squinted my eyes and u ran up the stairs I went into my room and slammed the door behind me.


I was still in my room sudden realization that u was all sticky and needed to take a shower I had been a really hot day today after all it is summer vacation. And California is like the hottest place ever. I got up and stripped my clothes I hopped in the shower I had almost everything I need except for the important stuff I forgot a towel and my clothes SHIT!!! I am such a Dumass sometimes I was lucky it was dark outside because I have a window looking across the persons house next door. I ran out naked and turned on the light I didn't know where anything was so I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I had this feeling I was being watched so I turned around to see Ryder starring at me naked through his window. I quickly covered up my boobs and my crouch. I just got any clothes I could find and ran back into my bathroom.

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