Chapter 1

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Chapter One

“As soon as you are born you begin to die”

 It was another pub and it was another drink, I guess I was another one of those stories about a guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. As I recount my memories of that fateful night, the night I met them, I realise that the memories aren’t readily available to me. There is a fog that I have to fight my way through and I know that the fog has been put in place to hide what happened between us. The first memories come to me and they start after the bar. The fight however, there were no memories of; I had clearly wiped them away so that the truth could not be revealed.  

    *                        *                           *                          *                         *                                            

 I was taken to their house, no not a house that description is far too small, it was an estate. It was a vast amount of land with various buildings that stretched for miles in every direction. My guess was that we were in the middle of nowhere as trees flashed past the windows, trees and sky was all I could see as I coughed blood and felt the same wetness against my shirt where the guy and knifed me in the side. Standing, gazing out of the window all I could see were trees, there was not another building in sight. Here though, there was the main house made up of hundreds of rooms, with lengthy corridors and thousands of windows.

  When I arrived it was the middle of the night and I was only semi-conscious, various face fill my memories. There was a girl with red hair who kept smiling down at me and stroking my hair, she kept saying everything was going to be alright, another was a blond, her hair shimmered down her back and her eyes were a bright blue. Both faces are the most prominent in my mind yet there were two others in the front of what I can only believe was a car.


As my mind struggles to get my memories back I look down at my bare chest. There are fresh bruises that are a deep purple all over my abdomen and from the feel, my back, bandaged up are the more severe cuts that run over my stomach. My arm is in a sling and when I finally reach my face I notice the black eye. It must have been a hell of a night, not my usual bar brawl. As I move back to the bed, its positioned in the middle of the room, a grand four poster with silk sheets,  every muscle in my body feels as if it is on fire, no definitely not a bar brawl.

 I explore the rest of the room but it’s glamorously simple, with a chest of draws, wardrobe and a traveling trunk at the end of the bed. My next move was to search the rest of the house, as I head out of the door into the long corridor I see the two girls from the night before, the red head and the blond.

 “Ah, our guest awakes.” The red head is walking towards me with a broad smile.

 “So do you speak? Or are you going to keep us guessing? Or you could slip in and out of consciousness again?” I was trying to find the words but my head was still too full of mist, everything seemed to be just out of my grip. The next one to speak was the blond;

 “Maybe we should take him back to bed, he still seems a little dazed.” She seemed sweet, shy and caring. Her bright blue eyes sparkled and held warmth, a life that didn’t seem usual in normal eyes.  Both of them were tall with slim statures however, the red head was clearly more agile. She reminded me of a fox.

The two girls helped me to back to my room and put me in bed, I felt like an invalid but was thankful for the help as I didn’t think I could do It on my own.

 “My name’s Caleb.”

 “And he speaks!” The red head seemed to be full of fun; she seemed loving and had warmth about her that made her likeable, loveable even. They sat at the end of the bed, keeping me company and ensuring that I had everything I needed, they fussed like two mother hens and were clearly enjoying being in charge and looking after others, it caused a smile to play on my lips just from watching them.

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