Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”

Mark Twain

 I was healing more quickly than I could have expected yet I wasn’t sure if it was my desire to uncover the truth or something more that was causing this speedy recovery.

 After my last encounter with Eve or Amor were yet to make a reappearance. Two weeks had passed and I felt myself growing lonely as the helpers were the only ones that came into my room and they provided little company. 

 Every couple of days a new helper would be in with a novel so far I had read ‘The Great Gatsby’, ‘The Color Purple’ and various other American classics. Although the words of Fitzgerald and Walker were keeping me entertained I longed to leave the confines of my room.

 As I was becoming more mobile I felt a sense of urgency to look through this house while I could. A growing sense of panic kept crossing my eyes that the two girls would not reveal everything to me, that I would either be silenced or I would be immediately sent back to the streets of Portland.

 My thoughts were slowly becoming darker and darker as I longed to be free, gazing out of the window was tormenting me the days were moving slowly and I was screaming for something to keep me entertained, without any company my thoughts were slowly destroying me.

 I wondered if that was what this group planning, to kill me with my thoughts. I didn’t quite realise how crazy I was becoming until they finally let me out.

 “Hey you, up and out,’ some part of me realised that someone else was in the room, opening the curtains and speaking to me however, I was still in that pleasant post sleep dreamlike state where you’re never sure what’s real, ‘GET UP!!!”

 Eve is standing at the end of my bed. She looks exactly like an angel with her blonde hair and the sun shining behind her lighting her up.

 “We’re going on a little trip, around the mansion.” This got my attention; I flew out of bed and was dressed in seconds.

 When I came out of the bathroom Eve was standing holding the door open with a big grin on her face.

 “Ready to step into the unknown?” There was a hint of mischievousness in her voice and her twinkle to her eye, that’s when I realised she was excited to show me around the manor, ad that she was excited to see me leave this room.

 My room lead onto a small corridor with various other doors, although we didn’t go into them Eve assured me that they were all guest bedrooms but it was a big house with lots of exciting rooms to go into so she didn’t want to bore me with rooms that looked exactly like my own. Eve seemed too trusting so I never second guessed what she told me, I believed everything word she fed me.

 At the end of the corridor we turned left and suddenly came across a grand staircase (you know the unbelievably large ones with two sets of stairs a giant chandelier and a balcony linking the two.)

 “Wow.” It came out all breathy and amazed proving my point to Eve just enough.

 “That’s the effect that I always hope for, come on we’ll do downstairs…it’s more interesting!”

We started by going through to living rooms, both had large fire that were alight banishing away the cold Oregon air. The rooms looked lived in with magazines, books and clothes everywhere, it didn’t give the room the messy look that you would think of it looked inviting, homely.

 We progressed forward and came across a study, this was obviously a busy place as papers were everywhere and there were at least five computer screens. The desk was simply a mess and the person that occupied this vast room clearly didn’t do organisation. Once we had moved through the study, (Eve clearly wasn’t a fan of the study as we didn’t linger, it was a quick in and out job, we found our way into my favourite room, the library, books stood in shelves over to stories high, there were ladders to climb to reach those that stood among the clouds and small balconies ran across an even higher level of shelving. Everywhere you looked stood stories waiting to be opened and characters inviting you inside. If I had, had my way we would have stopped the tour there, I would have been very content to stay in here for the rest my life slowly reading every book in this spectacular room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2013 ⏰

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