The Great Tragedy

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I close my eyes soon after Analese only to open them a couple seconds later when she pulled away. I smiled brightly down at her before gently taking her hand in mine and leading her back to the car. "I had an awesome time tonight, Harry, thank you." Ana say as we make our way down the vacant streets. "I had a lot of fun to."

As soon as I had made my escape from the dead awful prison, I made it my new goal to track down Analese  and  Harry again. Turns out the stupid people hadn't even moved since my last attack! This makes my plane a lot easier. If I can't have Analese than no one can.

When we reached the house, I jogged my way up the driveway first as Harry had given me the key to the  house. I turned the key and let the warmth of the house encircle me. I was snapped out of daze as Harry closed the door behind me. "Want me to make some hot chocolate?" I ask as it sounded good from the coldness outside. "Sounds good, want some help?" He asked as he took off his jacket. "Why don't you choose a movie to watch and I'll make it." I say making my way into the kitchen. I put the kettle onto the stove after putting some more water into it and grabbed four packets of hot coco mix, along with the whipped cream and chocolate syrup. I poured the now hot water into some coffee cups, then dumped two packets into each. I shook the whip cream before making a swirl of the cream on top of the hot beverage. I make zig zags with the syrup before grabbing both cups and bringing them out by Harry. I set them on the coffee table before snuggling into Harry's side and sipping from my cup as soon as it's to my lips after I pick it up. "This is great, thanks babe." He thanks me after taking a couple sips of his. "No problem, you gotta little something here." I say before wiping the whip cream of the tip of his nose. "Thank you." He says wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

By the time the movie ended I realized I hadn't paid attention to a second of it, my mind was else where. I brought both of our empty mugs back into the kitchen before placing them into the dishwasher, and starting it. "Hey, babe you wouldn't um maybe want to sleep in my room tonight?" He asks very cutely. "Of course I'll sleep in your room silly." I answer as he lightly tugs me up the stairs to his room. I walk across the hall into my room and grab a pair of pajamas, before going into the bathroom and brushing my teeth. After changing into my pajamas I walked back over to Harry's room and knocked  lightly on the door. He opened it seconds later in only flannel pajama pants revealing his tanned chest and torso. I smile lightly after glancing over at his arms. When I snap out of my gaze, I find Harry already laying in the bed.  I follow his lead and laid down next to him.  I face him and gently run my fingertips over his warm skin, making random designs with my fingertips. I fell asleep moments later with his strong arms around me.

I woke up the next morning feeling cold until a something hot came in contact with my skin causing me to yelp. I snap my eyes open to see bright red tongues of fire circling around me. A shadowy figure appears in the doorway. They come over to me and scoop me up in their arms, and I knew it wasn't Harry. I let them carry me outside where I started trying getting out of their grasp. "Stop moving." A deep voice snapped. It was Matthew. No doubt about it. He shoves me into the back of the van. Crap. I'm being kidnapped.....again, worst part is I can't really breathe. I think I inhaled in to much smoke.


We were about ten minutes into an interview. It took all the boys texting me to try and get me out of bed. I was so comfortable up next to Analese. Half way through the interview I saw Paul walking away answering his cell. He never leaves unless it's really important. I instantly wondered who it was. I'll have to figure it out later.

After the interview I walk up to Paul ready to ask who called. "Who called in the middle of the interview?" I ask getting to the point. "It's your house, it burned down. The cause is unknown." he explains. It didn't bother me much until it hit me; Analese was in the house. "Analese!" I shout. "She wasn't found in the rubbish." He says further. What in the world?

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