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Day They Leave for Tour-Harry

Finally we were getting Analese out of this death trap. We were just sitting in the waiting room waiting for our plane to be ready. Analese was sitting next to me being bored listening to her turquoise beat headphones. I really wanted to know what she was listening to. I tapped her shoulder hoping to ask her and find out. She looked over to me and slipped her headphones off. "May I help you?" She asks me showing a little adorable smile appear on her face. "I was just wondering who you were listening to." I said defensively. "Wanna hear?" She asks holding out the beats to me. I nodded grabbing the headphones from her. Ed Sheeran Thinking Out Loud filled my ears as soon as I put them on. "An Ed Sheeran fan are we?" I asked her handing her the beats back. "Yeah I think he's almost as good as One Direction." She said winking and putting them back on.

"Analese were boarding." I said as everyone else was walking out of the room. She popped up and ran out anxious to get out of Wisconsin. I followed behind her running to because a huge crowd was following behind us.

After they Land. Harry

Finally we made it to Mullingar, Republic of Ireland or the home of Niall. "Boy is it good to be home!" Niall explained stretching in the airport gate. "I think I'm gonna be sick!" Liam explains running to the nearest bathroom. "I'm gonna go help him." Louis states following Liam with Niall and Zayn trailing behind. "How long did it take to convince managment to let me come?" Analese asks me wearily. "Liam said not to long." I say a little bit after."Did any of the boys not want me to come?" She asks hopefully. "No they all were fine with it from the start." I reply hearing her give a sigh of relief. We stood there then for about 5 more minutes until all the boys walked out of the restroom. We all then walked outside to find a white van pulled up waiting for us.

As we pulled up to the hotel there was a huge crowd waiting around the entrance. We waited until the van with all the security came to get out so we had a better chance of staying safe. The van pulled up shortly after and 4 big men came out and huddled around the exit of the van. Louis swung the door open and the screaming became louder. Let the fun begin. We all left the car in an orderly fashion with Analese last. I grabbed her hand sensing she was scared of the large group. She followed behind me fastly not wanting to get lost in the sea of people. Paparazzi wasn't helping this so she was using her other hand to guard them from the flashing. "Is this your girlfriend Harry?" Asked one as he shoved a camera in my face. Just ignore it Harry. Don't respond. We finally got into the hotel lobby and security went to check us in as we all got settled in the lounge area. "That was crazy." Breathed out Analese slumping into the couch. "Yea it was." Zayn replied sitting next to her. "Is it always like that?" She asked getting a worried look on her face. "Not usually no." Replied Louis sitting on one of the chairs. She relaxed a little at the statement. One of the security guards came up and had six cards in his hands. That ment we had three rooms with two keys each. "So how are we going to split up into rooms?" Niall asked the question everyone was thinking. "I don't know." He said shrugging. "And that's helpful because?" Analese asked rolling her hands. "You can decide that for yourself." He said. Me and all the boys started talking about who was going to room with who. Analese just stood against the wall. "Who do you wanna room with Analese?" Niall asked noticing her standing by herself. "Whoever needs an extra room mate I guess."She said shrugging. "OOOH she could room with meh!" Louis screamed excited. "Okay why not." She said shrugging. "Harry obviously joins us!" Louis added pointing to me. Analese nodded liking the arrangement. "That puts Zayn, Liam, and Niall in the same room and me and the other guards in a room, here are the keys choose who you want to have them, choose wisely." He said looking at all of us. Me and Louis exchanged a look and nodded. Paul, one of the security guards, gave me the cards. I kept one and gave the other to Analese. We walked up the stairs to the fifth level. We walked over to room 541 and unlocked it.

Author's note

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what ya think? comment vote tell meh should i make there be Perrie Elanor and Danille *tongue click* or nah?

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