"Michael, remember the plan"

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Part one

You got out of the bed, taking the white cover to cover your fully naked body. Michael, lying in bed, still completely naked, trying to get his heartbeat to a normal pace. You looked over at him and smirked, before collecting your clothing that was thrown all over the room, the night before. You didn't need to look at him to know he was looking at you, you could feel his eyes burning into your back, while you were looking for your bra.

"Why do you leave so sudden?" he asked, this made you glance at him with furrowed eyebrows before you climb over the bed to carry on looking for your white lace bra you wore the night before.

"Michael, you understand the plan" you said plainly.

"Come lay down, you can leave after lunch" you ignored him and denied his request. You couldn't do that, it wasn't part of the plan.

"Have you seen -" You looked up and didn't bother to finish your sentence, Michael had your bra hanging from his forefinger. He rolled over and smirked. You finally went to grab it and he moved it from your reach.

"Why do you always try to get me to stay? That's not part of our agreement." You say as you adjust the sheet and get ready to reach for it again.

"We are friends, Y/N, we can sit and talk". He said. You laughed at how desperate he sounded.

"We are barely friends Michael. Now give me my bra!" you put one knee on the edge of the bed to get better reach, but this made him put it behind his back. You looked at the smirk on his face and you gave up, you realised he would only give it back if you stayed.

"You know what I don't need a bra!" You walked into the bathroom with your jeans, top and underwear in hand. You dropped the bed sheet and got dressed quickly, hoping he didn't hide your car keys somewhere. You walked back into the room, now Michael was in his boxers.

"Come on Y/N, just until after lunch" he said. You realised his eyes were travelling up and down your body to your breasts, that were barely covered by the thin piece of material you call a top. You shook your head.

"That's not the deal remember? Don't call me. I'll call you," you say as your pick up your car keys and make your way to the door. His eyes followed you out the door as you climbed into your car and drove back to your house.

Side liner - Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now