(Nightmare moon arc) ~act 1 - sailor magic~

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"Ahhhhhhh! It's so late! Shining! Why didn't you wake me!" Twilight shouted, going through the house like a hurricane. "I did twily. 3 times and you still didn't wake up." "Bye shining!" "Bye.......hmph...I hope she can learn from those Sailor L games..."
'My name is twilight sparkle and I am an eighth grader from canterlot. My blood type is O and my birthstone is pearl. I may be a bit of a klutz and a little bit of a crybaby but I still am brave.' "Kick it!" Twilight heard. Twilight looked over her shoulder to see 3 boys beating up a cat. "HEY! STOP IT! YA LITTLE BRATS!" The cat let out a painful meow. "Poor kitty...what did those boys do to you." Twilight looked to see the purple and green cat was clawing at the band aids on the top of his head. "Here. Let me help."  She pulled off the band aids carefully and gaped at what was underneath. It was a sun crest. "Oh! You have a sun on your forehead!" She exclaimed. The cat jumped out of her arms and onto the wall next to her and ran away. "Ahhhhhhhhh! I'll be late for school again!" She yelled, turning on her heels and running to school.

~time skip brought to you by sailor Pluto~

"Ugh. School was hard and boring." Twilight sighed, flopping onto her bed. She heard a thump and jolted to life.
It was the green and purple cat from this morning.
"Oh! Hello kitty! Have you came to say thank you for saving your life."
"I should say the same for you."
"Gahhhhh! You talked!"
Yes I did, twilight sparkle, and I am here to give you something." He said with a nod.
He jumped in the air producing a sparkly purple, white, blue and pink brooch onto the bed.
"Wow! It's beautiful!"
She took it almost immediately, pinning it directly on her shirt.
"This is really pretty! By the way, what is your name?"
"Okay spike."
"Now twilight, I want you to take the brooch and shout friendship magic power make up. Okay?"
"Okay spike!"
"Friendship magic prism power make up!"
She rose into the air as her clothes transformed. Her longer skirt became shorter and purple, her top became white. Her top grew a bow and so did her skirt. Her shoes became purple boots and on her forehead there became a tiara. Gloves were formed on her hands lastly.
"Gaaaaaahhhhh! What happened to me?!"
"You are the legendary warrior sailor magic, made to defend the friendship princess with your other sailor elements, you will find the friendship princess and defend canterlot!"
"But I'm just a normal girl who does-wait what was that noise?"
A scream shrill in her ears came.
"That sounds like rarity's sister! We gotta go help her!"
She jumped out the window holding spike.
~time skip~
Sweetie was pinned up against the wall.
"Ahhhhhhh! Let! Me! Go!"
"Never! Now tell me. Where is the element of magic!"
"You're not gonna hurt her!"
Twilight....err I mean.....sailor magic was standing in the doorway, the moon eclipsing her.
"Who are you?!"
"I am the sailor element of friendship and justice, defender of the friendship princess and the canterlot kingdom, sailor magic!"
"Well I'll deal with you now!" The monster said, dropping sweetie belle and got ready to attack. It threw razor sharp blades at her and she shrieked flipping under the table. She stayed there for a while before the monster flipped the table over. She ran screaming and tripped up at a wall.
The people who were wearing emeralds were slugging towards sailor magic.

Then a rose was thrown in front of the monsters.
Everyone looked up to see who threw the rose.
It was a man in a tuxedo and mask.
"Sailor magic! Do not lose your courage or your life! I will be here to help you when you need it!" He shouted and with that, he jumped out the window.
"Sailor magic! Use your tiara and shout FRIENDSHIP ELEMENT MAGIC!" Spike shouted.
"FRIENDSHIP ELEMENT MAGIC!" She shouted and threw the tiara at the monster.
The monster screamed in agony and died.
All the minions dropped to the floor and sweetie belle ran and gave me a hug.
"Thankyou for saving our lives!"
"Our? Whose the other?"
"Come downstairs! The monster tied her up!"
They ran into the basement to find RARITY?! Tied up.
Sweetie belle untied her and I jumped out the window, not wanting her to know my identity.

~the next day~
"Yeah! A hero! She looked like sailor L and had a magical tiara!"
"Okay sweetie belle...we believe ya...."
"It's true! She said her name was sailor magic!"
Twilight smiled hearing that as her new pet cat, spike jumped into her arms and they walked off.

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