~act 2: sailor honesty~

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Twilight's POV
I walked, no, ran to school. I met up with my friend, moondancer. "Hey moondancer!" I waved. "Hey!" She replied. We talked about books and grades until someone caught my eye. She had blonde hair and Aqua eyes. "Who's that?" I asked. "Oh that's applejack, she's new and she's come all the way from Sweet Apple Acres." "Sweet Apple Acres?! She's from all the way west?!" "Yep!" She sighed. I walked up to her. "Hey! I am twilight!" I said walking up to her. "I'm applejack!" She replied in a thick southern accent. The bell rang. "Well, I'll see ya later!" She waved. "Well she seems nice. " I said turning to moondancer. "She sure is!" She replied.
~time skip brought to you by sailor Pluto~
I got home and was greeted by spike. "Hey kitty!" I replied. He purred as I scratched under his neck. "So... Anything new in the world of scouts?" I asked him. "Nothing yet but I sense that a villain will strike soon though." He replied. "Well I gotta do homework." I sighed. I pulled out my homework and studied.
~time skip brought to you by sailor Pluto~
I started to get really bored. "Wanna go for a walk?" I asked spike. "Why not." He replied. We walked out into the cool summer breeze. It felt nice. I heard a scream come from a nearby cram school. "Did you hear that?!" I whispered. "Yeah... Better go investigate." "Okay but how can I get in undetected?" I asked. "Use this." He said. Spike jumped and flipped in the air, producing a pink and purple pen. "What's this?" I asked. "It's the lunar pen. You can transform into anyone you want." "Oh cool!" I exclaimed. "Just say "Lunar pen! Transform me into.... And then you say what you want it to transform you into."
"Okay! Lunar pen! Transform me into a doctor!" I shouted holding the pen above my head. I lifted up into the air, transforming into a doctor. "Wow! I love this pen!" I yelled hugging it. "Let's go!" Spike shouted. I ran in the heels I was wearing. I stopped at the cram school and stopped at the doors. "Are you a teacher?" The security asked. "No. I'm a doctor. There's someone in here that's very sick and I need to help them!" I replied. They let me through and and I hastened. The cries loudened as I got closer. I stopped at the closed door. "Okay now transform sailor magic!" I picked up my brooch and yelled "friendship magic prism power make up!"
I transformed and ran in. Applejack was pinned up against a wall. "No!!!!" She cried. Her hat fell off as a glowing symbol in the shape of an apple appeared on her forehead. "She's a sailor element!" Spike yelled. He jumped and flipped, producing an orange pen with a silver apple shape on the top. "Here!" He yelled to applejack. I knew what to do. I sailor kicked the monster in the back as it toppled over. Spike yelled "okay! Now applejack! Yell Honesty power make up!"
She got up yelling "honesty power make up!" She transformed into a orange and red colour variant of my sailor suit. "What do I do know?!" She shouted ducking under a desk. "Now you attack by yelling "Apple cider bubble blast!""
She yelled "Apple cider bubble blast!" Forming a must so the monster couldn't see.
"Now sailor magic!" Spike yelled.
"Friendship tiara magic!" I shouted throwing the tiara. The monster cried in pain as I killed it, exploding into dust.
I looked at applejack, er I mean, sailor honesty. She looked at me and smiled. "So your sailor honesty?" I asked. "I guess?" She replied. "We'll be working together from now on oh and By the way, I'm twilight, you already know me." I added. We walked off smiling at each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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