Coffee Stains

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{Yeah you sure broke my heart last week when you said you had slept with him}

Coffee Stains

Natsu rolled off his bed, sighing rather loudly.

“Get up idiot,” A voice growled, and Natsu felt the urge to punch.

“Would you just-not for five seconds?” Natsu demanded, face planting the carpet.

“Fine sleeping beauty. One, two, three, four-GET UP!” Gray yelled, stepping on Natsu's back. Natsu startled from the extreme cold that was now weighing on his bare back, flipping over fast enough to make Gray lose his balance.

“You bastard-”

“-I'll kill you!” They lunged at one another, rolling around on the floor. Natsu hit Gray's head into the floorboard, rolling once more. He felt his head hit the bed's side, causing him to wince.

“Both of you get up!” A voice roared, causing them to jump apart from each other. Natsu looked up, eyes widening when he saw the monster Erza.

“H-Hai!” They cried together, cowering away from the devil. Erza sighed, straightening her outfit out before taking a step into the roomies apartment.

“Eck, this place is disgusting.” Erza sniffed, wrinkling her nose at the terrible stench that met her sensitive nose.

Natsu silently rolled his eyes at her, he had heard this nag before. Girls were so annoying, everything just has to be clean. The floor has to be cleared. The cheese has to be anything but green.


“-and Natsu.” Erza snapped him back into reality, his head turning up towards her. She stared down at him with curious brown eyes, a gentle smile coming to her face.

“You were gonna go see Mira today, right?” She asked. Natsu instantly nodded his head rapidly, not wanting to be hit.

“You totally like her.” Gray snickered from the other side of the room, Natsu sending a glare his way.

“Is this true?” Erza looked to him with sharp eyes, confused. “Do you have feelings for Mirajane?” Erza demanded in a no-nonsense tone. Natsu gulped, his cheeks coloring.

“Mira? No way!” Natsu exclaimed, shaking his head rapidly once more.

“Either her or her sister.” Gray muttered.

“Will you shut the hell up? They're only friends!” Natsu growled at Gray, ready to lunge at him once more.

“Natsu! Gray!” Erza barked, getting their attention again with a start.

“Hai!” They chimed once more, causing Erza to roll her eyes.

“If you want to see Mira you better hurry up and get changed, she's going on vacation.” Erza advised. Natsu's eyes widened and he jumped up immediately, rushing to get some clothes out of his drawers.

“Hurry up flame brain~” Gray sniggered. Natsu shot him the finger, rushing into the bathroom to take a shower. Mira wouldn't appreciate his smell.

“You have an hour!” Erza called from the other room, but Natsu ignored her completely.

“He's crazy.” Gray mumbled. Erza looked down to him, smiling softly.

“But it suits him.”


“Still going?” Gray called from his bed, leisurely reading a manga.

“I'll make sure to tell Juvia you're gay when I'm out.” Natsu grumbled, pulling up his pants as he rushed to get his shoes.

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