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Chris' Point Of View. 😌

I was at home (d house) wit Tyga playing MWF. I didn't think it was a problem to have Tyga here so shid we was cooling till she got here. I heard the door open. I saw D pop up in the door frame with a smile then she saw Tyga and her face changed. It changed into like a mad sad face.

I haven't never seen that face on D which kinda made me scared and worried. I just ignored her. I told Tyga I would be back cause a mf had to piss. After I was done I got attacked by D. She pushed me on the grown and she was on top of me.

She was banging on my chest crying.

D:"Chris I hate you! your stupid & I really hate you! You dummy! Chris I hate you"

When she said it she almost made me cry. She was crying bad asl, it wasn't loud but I mean it definitely wasn't quite. Then I felt cold air on my chest so I could tell she moved. I could still here her crying. I cut on the light and her and Tyga where hugged up...

But when she realized who's arms she was in she punched him hard asl in the chest. I made a 'damn that must have hurt face'. He was holding his hand on his chest. She grabbed her shoes and jacket and walked down the steps. I followed her and she was about to walk out the door.

I can't let her leave. I got her and tackled her on the couch, of course not hard but yeah. I kissed her neck & she was still crying and sniffling. I kissed her lips and she still was crying. I felt so bad for my baby. I lifted her up and she didn't even try to get down. She was laying down on my shoulder STILL CRYING!. Then i just laid down and let her lay on me till she went to sleep.

It was like 30 minutes later and she was knocked out. She had dry tears on her checks. I picked her up and took her upstairs. I tucked her in, kissed her, and turned on the T.V.. I left out and closed the door lightly. I went in the game room and Tyga was knocked out. I aint wanna wake him up but shit if D catch him in here he might just never wake up frfr.

Me:"yo Tyga... you beta get yo ass up cause if ya sista catch you in here she gonna whoop ass"

Tyga:"ight bro hit me up when you wake up I'm out"

Me:"ight nigga"

I went in the guess room... Nesto moved in with his girlfriend so thats that but anyways i got Kay from out of there with Lay and Nay so they could have more space and took her in her room. She was knocked the fuck out. She was snoring and slobbering 😂😭. She sleeps like her dad 😌.

After everybody was sleep and situated I looked at the time and it was 11:30. No wonder I'm not sleep or sleepy. I went back in D room and laied down. I guess she felt me cause she was laid on my chest. I just sat there with my hands behind my head watching T.V and thinking.

Mostly thinking about our trip to Florida in like a month & other shit. Then I got to the topic that if Nay and LAy gonna be staying down here then they should just be at my house since aint nobody there, and if they gonna live here then fuck it she can just go half on the bills with me.

I was hoping all over subjects cause then I started to think on how all this stress that D got on her she need a vaca before a month. Then maybe when she come back she will be straight. Her & Tyga beef they got going, Nesto moving wit a bitch she don't like... so now its like she aint got a bro at all, her loosing her job, and just more shit.

She was still in her jacket and it was kinda hot in here. I took off her jacket and then she moved around. She was back to sleep after like 2 minutes. After a while of thinking to my self I lookd at the time from my phone that was on the charge to only see it was late as hell. 1:55 am. I looked at the tv for a while and I was out like a light.


Kay? 😇😴

Nay? 😇😴

Lay? 😊💙

D? 😔💜

Chris? 😊💞

Tyga? 😠😤

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