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Diamond's Point of View.

Chris:"D come here..."


Chris:"you have to get a job baby, I know you been looking buh if you keep relying on me for stuff you not gonna be 'D the independent girl' so can you please try a little harder for me?"

Me:"I understand.."

Chris:"ight ma, give me a kiss"

Me:"eww no"

I got up and went upstairs. I plugged in my phone and my screen cut on. I had 2 missed messages. I unlocked my phone and went to them.

404-785-3334:"hey its Lee, wassup?"

Me:"nothing chillin', what about you?"

Lee:"nothing but I was juss wanting to know if you wanted to come to one of my shows? All on me..."

Me:"yeah! When?"

Lee:"next wednesday"

Me:"ight im down"

Lee:"I'll text you tomorrow ma"


Then I pressed out of his messages and saw I had a message from Aug.

Aug:"hey. So you know me & your sister Anniversary coming up..help please?"

Me:"yup, now?"

Aug:"yeah, at the Cold Stone at the underground"

Me:"okaay babes be there in a minute"

I have an obsession with showers..So I took another one and put on my outfit. (In mm). I walked out the door and locked it. I got in the car and plugged up my phone to the car charger and the AUX cord and played 'Ryda' by Dej Loaf & The Game.

I pulled up at the under ground and texted Aug. I can't got in there or I'll get attacked.

Me:"I don't have a jacket"

Aug:"Jacket?! It's like 100° outside!"

Me:"lmao, I don't have Jaylen with me either"

Aug:"ohhh okaay hold on"

After maybe 10 minutes Aug & his bodyguard D Black came up to me. I got out and we went back in the mall. D.B sat down and ate his Icecream and me and Aug ordered our and sat down.

Me:"wassup bruva"

Aug:"lol, wassup!"

Me:"soo me and Nicki will go to the mall next Saturday right?"


Me:"& then you'll go get your flowers, reservations, & all the other shit okaay?"


Me:"then you'll eat, go home, fuck & night over..."

Aug:"lmao, okaay thanks baby sis"

Me:"bitch I'm older than yo ass & your welcome of course"

He laughed. We ate our Icecream then went home...

To Be Continued...

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