Greater power..

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Another day,
another nightmare
I thought as my mom was taking me to my new school.
My mom and I always had to move which I was okay with
because no matter where we go everything will be the same.
I'll never have friends
my dad will stay gone
and my heart will be no ones....sadly.
"I know that face Wendy"
I heard my mom say.
"what face"
I asked changing my expression.
"your thinking face"my mom said.
"I have a thinking face?"
I questioned her.
"Yes I noticed these things Wendy and I think you should at least try
to make some friends"
she said in her caring mother tone.
"I'll try"I managed to say.
Not soon after the conversation,
we made it to the school
it was a small average school
I saw kids walking in
and everything looks normal
as can be ...
To bad I'd have to come in to ruin it.
When we got out the car
I followed my mom
to the front office.
While my mom was signing papers
I hoped that this would be
a new chance to make friends.
"As if"I was startled at the voices but they began talking again.
"This is were out darkness
is it most powerful.
Because this is where
the Prince of the underworld is"
The voices kept going
and laughed evilly.
I'll have to find him,
And eliminate him...

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