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Today was a Sunday,
so I'd be starting school tomorrow.
"Mom,Adrian the boy that
showed me around
asked if I could hangout
around 8:45" I asked I might as well ask so I can try to appease her.
"Wendyyyy you already have a friend that's great do you know where
y'all are gonna meet up"
She squealed.
"Yah ...I guess"I stated as
I passed her the paper.
"Oh goodie,it's actually
in the neighborhood
y'all may be riding the same bus"
she said as if I never had a friend..
which is kinda true.
"Well it's already 7"I said.
"Oh snap we need to go
home right now,
and get you ready"
she said as she made the turn
to the neighborhood.
We finally made it home,
but when my mom rushed to
the door my phone stared to vibrate
in my front pocket.
I answered it hearing a dark voice
"I see you" it said.
" you don't"I blurted out.
"Yes..." then the person hung up must of been a prank I thought...
but nobody has my number.
I heard breathing from somewhere,
Then suddenly my hoodie
was pulled down.
"WHAT THE"I yell as
I turned around.
I was relieved when I saw Adrian.
"Sorry I just got the
weirdest phone call" I said.
"Ya it was me.I got your number from the front office I'm pretty attached to the teachers and staff
so it was easy"he said laughing
his charming laugh.
"Damm you hit hard it was a joke" he said still laughing as I
punched him.
I couldn't help but laugh back
at him."You must be Adrian"
my mom said with a smile.
"Yes ma'am" he said.
"Well nice to meet you,
It's just about 8 do you want to hang out with Wendy now?"she asked.
"Yes that would be nice"he said.
"Wendy be home by before 10"
my mom stated.
"Of course"I replied.
What's with the voices they
haven't stopped laughing
and my head it's aching badly.
"So where are we off to" I asked.
"Just follow me we're
almost there"He said.
I decided just to follow.

** time passed by ^__^ **

When we reached to a stop,
there was a house it was torn down but there was a tree house.Adrian went up the latter
and I followed of course.
"What is this place?"I asked.
"I found it when I ran away
from my adoption parents
they haven't found me
but I found this place
loving the sight"he said
taking a breath.
Not knowing what to say
I stayed silent.
"Wendy"Adrian whispered in my ear.
I nodded my head once
as a response.
"I can tell your lonely,
but your also searching
for something"he kept his whispering tone.
I was in shock when he kissed me on my cheek.
His lips burned my skin
and I loved it...
I loved him.
"Wendy...prepare for
the days coming up"
th-the voice they talked.
They've been laughing for a while now and now they spoke.
I checked my phone for the time.9:45."um..Adrian do you
know a quick way to my house"
I said looking down hating the fact
I had to leave.
"Yes,see the fence you jump over two of the yards and then the third one is your backyard" he said.
"Thanks" I said but just as I got up his arm was on my shoulder.
"meet me tomorrow here in the morning"he said with a
look of worry in his eyes.
"Definitely"I said trying to
smile back."bye Wendy"he said giving me a hug."see ya"I said back.

*gets to house*

Jamie...I'll have to find out
as much as possible
and destroy him to
have a slightly normal life.
I whispered to the voices.
"Make it alive.."
the voices said back
and I felt a chill up my spine
as they said that.

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