Chapter 3 - A Not-So-Fortunate Encounter

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Time check: 6:50 am


It was there standing right in front of her like a dash of miracle God perfectly situated as a way of saving grace – a huge Narra tree, clinging closely beside the concrete wall of the building. Its branches spreading over the other side of the wall, like an enticing bridge waiting to be crossed.

Yes, she thought, I can climb over. Jade considered with a devious, satisfying smile.

She looked around. Not a single soul. Jade was the only one lurking at that spot.

Thankfully, everyone is so occupied with the protest. The bystanders are absorbed with the situation - snooping around, eavesdropping, showing off in front of the reporters' cameras.

No one will notice. She smirked.

However, there was a tiny bit of a problem.

"I have never climbed a tree before." Jade realized in disappointment.

I watched it on TV, how people do it. I've read it somewhere, too. How hard can it be? You just gotta step on the rounded outgrowth. No biggie. Jade assured her pompous self.

Jade examined the tree. She remembered the host from a particular channel airing environment stuff describing a sturdy tree - it should be strong and tall and can support your weight.

This is a narra tree. It can support my weight. Heck, it can support the weight of 10 people climbing it altogether.

Then she remembered that the tree should have some rounded protrusions showing off from its skirts.

I believe it's called a burl. Jade recalled. Burls that you can step on. Yep, this one has a couple of them.

Lastly, she remembered the host specifying that you have to have the proper mindset and you need to be determined to conquer this ordeal.

Well, I am determined as fuck, Jade thought.

With no time to waste, Jade breathed in a huge chunk of air and hung her bag around her shoulder.

Jade koala-hugged the tree, her fingers digging into the bark to get a nicer grip, carefully stepping her right foot on a prominent burl. She can feel the surface of the bark scathing against her palm. But she must ignore the soreness.

Jade planted her left foot on another burl, pushing herself up.

"Oh god, the things I do." Jade grunted as she managed to climb a notch.

However, when Jade attempted to do her next upward push, her right foot slipped. Jade managed to maintain her position, hugging the tree tighter.

"Darn it!" Jade cursed under her breath. "These heels are slippery."

But she was not the type of person who gives up so easily.

Jade, ever more persevering, looked up and saw a twig that's branching out near her. She tried to reach for it with her right hand, her left still firmly pressing on the bark.

She was able to grab hold of the twig, giving it a good grip. When she concurred that it can take her weight, she smiled excitedly.

Yes, this is gonna work.

Trusting the strength of the twig, Jade tried to pull herself up, aiming for a notch higher.



Beguiled and confused, Althea observed as someone from the other side of the road is gawking at a tree, examining it.

"What the hell is she planning to do?" Althea arched an eyebrow.

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