Chapter 1

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I sighed and rolled out of bed. My first day as a highschooler. Freshman year. I just hoped it wasn't a disaster.

"Taylor, hurry up, you're gonna be late!" My mom called up the stairs. 

"Okay mom!" I shouted. I walked over to my dresser and picked out an outfit for the day. I glanced up at myself in the mirror and groaned. I looked horrible. My usually wavy dark brown hair was tangled messily on my head and I had dark circles under my eyes. I looked like a zombie. I facepalmed myself. 

'What a great way to look on the first day of school Taylor! Great job!' I thought to myself. I gritted my teeth and yanked a brush through my hair, making sure I got all of the tangles out of it. Then I applied light makeup under my eyes to cover up the circles. Then I got dressed, decided I didn't look THAT bad, and slipped on my shoes, heading to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and then skipped down the stairs, grabbing my backpack and waving bye to my mom. I hurried out the door and plugged in my headphones, turning up the music. I hummed along as I walked to the bus stop, and when I got there I just stood in the corner, alone. Just like every other year of my school life. I had no friends. People used to try to be my friend, but I would always brush them off. After awhile, they just stopped trying. It was like I wasn't there, I just blended in. I just put my music on full volume and ignored the other sounds of the kids around me. I just guess I preffered having no friends. It was easier.

When the bus pulled up five minutes later, I sat in the very back, gazing out the window and watching the trees flash by as the bus sped off to the next stop. Hey, I don't have social issues. Like I said, it was just easier. I watched as the bus slowly filled up with more kids, and then we pulled up to the school. It actually looked a bit smaller than my middle school at first glance, but that was probably just because it was one level and my middle school was two levels. But then I noticed that the high school was a bit longer. I looked to the front of the bus and saw the bus driver opening the doors, motioning for us to get up and go. I filed out of the bus with the other kids and readjusted my backpack, observing the mobs of students. There were many more people here than there were in my middle school. I noticed many people, and some I vaguely recognized from elementary school. I saw some new people too, people I had never seen before. I just walked into the school and followed my map I had gotten in the mail last week to my homeroom class.

When I finally made it to homeroom, I sat down at my desk and looked around the room. I saw someone else enter the room, and my eyes flickered up to see who it was. My heart thudded erratically in my chest when I spotted him. I thought what I was feeling was stupid, but it was impossible not to think of this guy as sexy. His black hair was buzzed and he was tall, his muscles straining against the black fabric of his t-shirt which was stretched tightly across his chest. His dark brown eyes were a warm chocolate color that made my heart flutter as they scanned the room. His posture was stiff and he clenched his jaw in what looked like frustration as he examined everyones face in the room. His tan skin matched perfectly with his eyes, and I forced myself to look away so he wouldn't catch me staring. I had never seen him before, but something told me he was different. I don't know what it was about him, but it seemed like something was drawing me to him. I snuck another glance at him, and I held back a gasp as I realized he was already staring at me. When his eyes met mine, his frustrated expression turned into one of shock and wonder. I was confused on why he would act like this, but not disappointed. He was staring at me with a kind expression, and he didn't look angry that I had been staring at him. That was a good thing. I smiled hesitantly, and he returned the smile almost instantly. He walked over to me and sat down at the desk right beside me.

"Hey." he greeted me. Even his voice made me melt inside, and my heart beat even faster.

"Hi." I replied.

The Biggest Change of My Life (Chris Brown fan fic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu