More Than This-Narry-Part 2

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.....When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, it just won't feel right. Cos' I can love you more than this. When he lays you down I might just die inside, it just don't feel right. Cos' I can love you more than this; I can love you more than this.....

If I'm louder, would you see me

Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me?

Cos' we are the same

You save me, but when you leave it's gone again.....

Niall sang so angelic into his microphone. I stood there in awe as he sang his part. I still hadn't quite told him how I felt. Honestly, he was gone in the morning before I could even tell him. Anyways, we finished the concert and were all laughing shortly later in the tour bus. Niall had been drinking along with the rest of us as we sat around the lounge area just chuckling about sweet nothings. I kept finding myself stealing glances at Niall from my side of the seat. He was laughing while running his hand through his wonderful blond hair. Just then, his blue eyes caught mine and I quickly panicked and looked away. Whew! That was close....

"Oi, mate," Louis whispered into my ear, "Take a picture, it might last longer," he smirked at his own joke. I hope he wasn't meaning what I thought he was. My face went red and I tried to laugh it off. How could I be so stupid, Niall would never like me like that.

"Hey, I have a suggestion," Niall piped up, "Let's get wasted and then go to a club?" he said, wide-eyed with excitement. I didn't agree with his suggestion. I knew how it would end. Niall would be dancing with all these girls and then he would end of having his way with them while I stand off on the side supporting him, but secretly wishing it was me. God, how did I get so pathetic? I used to do the same thing. It's just ever since I've came to have feelings for the little leprechaun, I can't stand to see him with other people. Either way, the other boys were all for it.

"None for me tonight," I said. The boys all glared at me.

"Why is that Styles?" Niall asked me.

"I-I just don't feel good," I lied. His face seemed to fall as he nodded and then sadly looked at the ground. I just wanted to hug him and tell him I was sorry for being distant lately. I knew I couldn't bear to see Niall with another girl who was only interested in his dick. Instead, I turned on my heels and headed for my bunk.

I had no idea how long I had lain there. We had reached the club almost forever ago and I stayed behind. "Are you sure you don't want to go?" Louis asked as he headed out. I nodded and kept staring at the ceiling. He shrugged and walked out with the others. I could hear the music thumping from inside. I desperately wanted to go in there and steal my Niall away and kiss him like never before, but I knew I couldn't. Zayn came rushing in with a giggling girl as they bolted for the bathroom. I sighed with a groan and made my way back to the front of the bus. I really didn't want to hear anything coming from them. I sat there and pulled my ear buds into my ears and blasted it.....

There's nothing left, I used to cry

My conversation has run dry

That's what's going onNothing's fine I'm torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feeli'm cold and I am shamed

Lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed

Into something realI'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn (I'm already torn)......

I had been listening to our song before the concert so I didn't forget the lyrics. I sighed and breathed out as I felt a tear escape my eye. I quickly wiped it away and cleared my throat from the lump that was now forming. All I could see was Niall. He was about all that I could see. I couldn't sleep or do anything that did not somehow remind me of Niall. Maybe I was wrong, maybe I shouldn't let it be. Maybe I should give up hope on there ever being an us. I could hear the excitement from the bathroom between Zayn and his whore. I shook the thoughts out of my head and forced myself off of the couch and out the door of the bus......

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