The Story of Brittany and Liam!

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Brittany and Liam are your normal couple! They love each other so much you can see it in their eyes! This is a story on the ups and downs of their relationship! Here is a little about Brittany and Liam! Brittany is 27 and she moved to Wolverhampton, England when she was 17. She has been living there for 10 years now. When she was a senior in high school she met Liam and they have been dating ever since. Liam is also 27, he lives in Wolverhampton, England too. He is in a band called One Direction!   I hope you all enjoy "The Story of Brittany and Liam!" 

A/N: Hello everyone,

I wrote this story for my best friend Brittany! She is in LOVE with Liam! And I decided to write this because me and Brittany are both in love with guys from One Direction and She said she might write a story about me and Niall so I am going to write one about her and Liam! But I got the head start to writing my story about her! You guys should also check out Brittany's stories "I Won't Give Up" and "The Rich Girl"! They are the best stories I have ever read and I recommend them to everyone! Also, you should check out my other story "Two Best Friends"!!!

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